I'm digging the look of some of the upcoming Rise of Iron armor sets, and was thinking back on some other cool, older sets. I went looking for a resource that would allow me to see all of the pieces together on a character, but couldn't find anything. This is a real shame.
I remember playing World of Warcraft and browsing through the item sets on [url=http://www.wowhead.com/]Wowhead[/url], spending hours figuring out my favorite sets and planning out how I was going to find that sweet loot.
Destiny doesn't have WoW's transmogrification system (though [url=https://www.bungie.net/en/Forums/Post/209063482?page=0&sort=0&showBanned=0&path=1]you should absolutely steal it[/url], especially with the latest updates), but that doesn't mean it wouldn't be fun to play around with different armor sets and see them completed on a paper doll (so to speak).
So my suggestion is to either allow players to see whole sets in the Armory, or share the API that would allow a third-party website to create a tool similar to Wowhead's.
What do you think? Who else would like to play around with this?
Only full armor set ready for action that I own in full desolate armor. I'm just using faction exotic for those who inspect my titan