"Well follow me then"says Keira [i]she gets up and dusts herself off [/i]
*He stands up, doing the same except he wags his tail too, shaking the dust off.*
[i]she gestures for you to follow as she starts walking to her apartment[/i]
*He follows close behind her.*
[i]its not long before they reach her apartment. She opens the the door leaving it open and walks inside and stands next to her piano[/i]
*Vorim walks in.* [u][b]Oh, this a piano? Know this![/b][/u]
"Yes i know how to play if thats what your asking"says Keira
[u][b]No... Know this! Know piano![/b][/u] *He points to himself.*
"Oh...your saying that you know how to play the piano"says Keira
*He nods enthusiastically.*
"You wanna play on it?"says Keira
"Well go right ahead and play if you want" says Keira
[u][b]Thank![/b][/u] *He sits down at the piano and immediately starts playing it with ease despite only having eight fingers in all. He plays an unidentifiable song but it is very beautiful anyway.*
"Wow your really talented"says Keira [i]she listen to the song he plays on it and its beautiful[/i]
[u][b]Thank.[/b][/u] *He keeps playing for a while before stopping, and smiling at her.*
"Your welcome that song was beautiful"says Keira
[u][b]Thank, learn when l-little.[/b][/u] *He continues smiling.* [u][b]Want play?[/b][/u] *He scoots over so she can sit down.*
"Sure i can play you one of the songs i know from my planet"says Keira [i]she sits down on the bench and starts playing a song she knows by heart[/i] [spoiler] https://youtu.be/sKeh_WOAems [/spoiler]
*His eyes are watering just a little bit when she finishes playing it.* [u][b]That-that beautiful.[/b][/u]
"Thank you its one the first songs i learned how to play"says Keira
[u][b]Well it still great.[/b][/u]
"Yeah it is"says keira
*He just sits there kind of awkwardly.*
"Would you like me to play something esle"says Keira