lol, i get t bagged in nearly all the matches i play in. I just don't take those people seriously, they are usually really bad, using super high aim assist guns while sitting in the back of the map. They got to make a nice play because of my own stupidity. comes with the clan tag i guess.
Bad players will never change. at the end of the match, i'm still dropping a 2+K/d bomb while carrying an entire team to victory (well usually a loss because of matchmaking) and then they are there rocking their 5 kills - 18 deaths. At that point i move on with my day, only to have it happen again and again for no reason.
The real people you should be worrying about are the High NaCl hate mail players. they are by far the saddest thing to exist in the gaming community. block and move on though @_@
Oh the hate mail is real. Every once in a while I get a message from some clown claiming i'm cheating. (and i'm really not good) or claiming something aweful. - report and move on for those peeps lol
just gotta ignore em, gloat about their hate mail without their psn/gamertag on social media cuz you can and get a laugh over it with friends. then go on your merry way :)