More and more plebs are t-baggin for literally nothing more than shooting you. More and more these same players are LOSING while they're doing it. It makes no sense.
For reference I don't t-bag unless i get bagged first undeservingly. From that point on it's open season as i'll dance upon your bones under the light of a mercurial dawn.
So for anyone confused as to how this works, here is a list of when you can bag your dead foe
(WARNING - t-bagging is wrong and this list should serve for informational purposes only. Don't T-bag at home...)
1. When you are WINNING
2. When you conquer a foe in some fantastic form despite their best efforts to evade you or shoot back.
EDIT - Heads up for those of you that believe I've posted this out of some QQ rage or other, I have not. this is shear satire and i'm genuinely reading the views of when others believe a proper Bag - O - Tea should be left for the dead lol
EDIT - 3. When you've just killed a blink shotgunner using Universal Remote (they do seem to run amuck in crucible these days lol)(also i'm just F&*&ing kidding)
The fact that you felt the need to summon the energy to complain about bagging only reflects how deeply it bothers you when it happens in game. Not only have you further empowered future t bags but the original bagger(s) who inspired you to write this post have clearly messed with your head enough to the point in which you feel compelled to continue carrying this salt well beyond the original match. To sum it up, by complaining about bagging under any circumstance only shows that you're allowing it to bother you, which will only promote more bagging. I sincerely hope you can find the inner peace to get over it. Have a great day.