This post inspired me to grab Universal Remote, head into Inferno Rumble, and t-bag everyone that I kill.
You are my hero, May I join you?
1) I don't want to deal with a Uni Remote scrub! 2) I'm on Xbox :(. But if you want to plague your PS brethren with this horrible load out, you have my blessings.
whats the matter? Have your ass handed to you by that load out a bit too much? Sound a little salty there brother! Someone taking this game a bit too seriously?
[spoiler]I wasn't talking about Universal Remote itself. I just think that people that go into a game mode, where you're not supposed to start with special ammo, and has radar disabled, with a primary shotgun are noobs :)[/spoiler]
I think these "noobs" are like 12 to 14 yr olds that are watching different streamers and getting these ideas. Just my opinion, I just notice the last few weeks seems to be a lot of kids and not enough adults.
most likley they are 13 year old kids on summer vacation trolling the streamers and getting f,ed up info. You can always tell by their gameplay .
Stay here a second. I need to find my book of Internet insults!