"Why should I?"
Because I came here to fight! [spoiler]Is this what Voice was known for[/spoiler]
[spoiler]Eh. Maybe.[/spoiler] "Are you not fighting? You've been fighting with me, haven't you? Losing, but...fighting!"
[spoiler]http://img.pandawhale.com/post-70282-Speechless-Stickguy-Meme-Imgur-HXYk.png[/spoiler] Ye- [b]He pauses.[/b] F-CKING MIND GAMES!!
[spoiler]Muhahahaha.[/spoiler] "I win!"
"Ugh. You still want to fight Ornstein? I mean, there's Isabelle..." [b][i]At that exact moment, the woman that went by Isabelle slammed a drum cartridge into her shotgun, smiling evilly.[/i][/b] "...Uh...Isaac..." [b][i]A man in NCR armor looked over, a 500 Magnum at his side.[/i][/b] "...There's always Angry!" [b][i]An Assaultron started shooting up in the air randomly.[/i][/b]
[spoiler]Angry is fun to fight against. Or so I've seen.[/spoiler] Yes. I want to fight Orn.
[spoiler]He gets a little crazy... Isabelle, or Iza, is a glass cannon. Isaac is someone I haven't used in a fight yet. I'd recommend tougher chars.[/spoiler] "FINE!" [b][i]Ornstein stands up, is spear in his right hand. He courses with electricity.[/i][/b]
Ah... Nostalgia. [b]His energy sword ignites, and his carbine is aimed at him.[/b] You get first move.
"Nah." [b][i]Orn just stares at Arby. Yes, you are Arby now.[/i][/b]
[b]NOOOOOOOOOOOOOÔÖÒÓŒØŌOÕ! [/b] Alright... [b]He fires twice at you, then activates his invisibility. [/b]
[b][i]Ornstein dodges both shots, groaning as he goes invisible.[/i][/b] "Seriously?! You should've picked Isaac is you were gonna do this!"
[b]He stays silent, and emerges out of his invisibility to stab him through the chest.[/b] *block it, señor*
"OH!" [b][i]Orn sidesteps, though the sword burns some armor. He retaliated with shoving his spear into Arby, which lifts him up off of the ground.[/i][/b]
[b]He blocks the spear, and jumps back. [/b] NO!
[b][i]Immediately after, he chucks a bolt of lightning at Arby's feet.[/i][/b]
[b]The ensuing blast knocks him back, but he doesn't fall. Some of his leg armor is burned and smoldering.[/b]
"Well, shit." [b][i]Orn readies himself.[/i][/b]
[b]He charges you, dodging the inevitable lightning bolts you throw at him.[/b]
[i][b]He ain't that much of an asshole. Ornstein waits, ready to drive his spear into Arby.[/b][/i]
[b]He slides under you, planting a grenade on your crotch.[/b] That's gonna hurt.
[b][i]Orn tears it off and throws it back at Arby. However, it explodes between the both of them, sending Orn flying back.[/i][/b]
[b]The Arbiter is knocked back as well. He throws something down, which unfolds into deployable cover.[/b] [spoiler] the [/spoiler]
[spoiler]WHAAAAAAAAT[/spoiler] "Heh." [b][i]Orn just stands there, waiting.[/i][/b]