originally posted in:The Digital Dojo
[i]she rests her head on his chest she is completely happy[/i]
"You will have to tell my father he want to hear it from you sketch. "says leyla
"Okay, well you still have a few bottles, but I think your hair is already very soft."
"Thank you sketch...i guess i can try some of it." says leyla
"Oh, you're welcome. I'll give it to you when we get back to the box."
"Oh okay well one these days i wanna take you to my homeland i think you would like it"says leyla
Edited by Skatch142: 8/17/2016 10:57:39 PM"You said it was near Madagascar right? I would love to go there with you."
"Yes it is and i would love to take you"say leyla [i]she smiles at him[/i]
*He smiles back and then wraps his arms around her and kisses her.* "I would go anywhere with you Leyla."
[i]she kisses you back[/i] "I would go anywhere with you too sketch"says leyla "So when should we tell hovark?"asks leyla
"I'm not sure... How about tomorrow? Unless we see him earlier..." *He nuzzles her a little.* "I'd just like to spend a little more time alone with you..."
"Okay we can do it tomorrow"says leyla [i]she kisses his forehead[/i] "Me too"says leyla
*He just looks up at the sky and sighs.* "This is wonderful, Leyla."
"Yes it is"says leyla
"Is there anything else you'd like to do? Somewhere you'd like to go?"
"No i just wanna sit here with you"says leyla
Edited by Skatch142: 8/18/2016 2:54:40 AM"Okay, whatever you want Leyla." *He nuzzles her neck a little.*
"Oh okay sketch"says leyla [i]she leans over and kisses him[/i]
*Sketch kisses her back and just looks up, lying there on the ground.* [spoiler]End? This RP has gone on for quite a while.[/spoiler]