so i think this is a big issues and needs to be brough up. so this is been what ive seen so far.
destiny $60 bucks
first 2 expansions $40 bucks
taken king preorder $40 bucks
your total is $140 bucks
now that most of you have preorder taken king lets do this
taken king ,2 expansion and base disk for $60 thus saving fans nonthing,and nonfans shit loads.
now that people have payed for that lets throw in a $30 buck dlc called rise of iron.
thus making fans have paid $170 bucks and the nonfans who just strait bough the taken king verson game and 1 dlc $90 bucks.
now that most have preprdered lets do this
charge the remaining non fans $60 for a copy that includes . first 2 expansion ,taken king ,and rise of iron.
thus screwing over fans in profit again
and saving nonfans even more money
anyone see a pattern.
now on top of that lets add everse...
you want my wish list .refund all these fans the waisted money on dlc .cut access to there dlc content till they rebuy new verson that covers all content thus giving them back $40 buck out of the $110 bucks they spent on dlc . when it would just be sold with base disk anyway. cause your slaping them in fave to cut all the content up in begining then sell it all in a disk copy in the end for same price as the copy that has it all cut up
You seem to not understand how economics work. Destiny is just like every other game. The price of the content drops as time passes. That's like crying that you paid more because you bought all of the Skyrim DLC as soon as it was released instead of waiting for it to go GOTY.
you obisly dont seam to understand eather. diblio,midnightclub,call of duty and a list of others all sold there games high at start and then cheap later. the diffrence between those games and this one. is at lauch of destiny year one they announced that this game would (never) be sold as a whole cause of its ten year plain this stating right there you can buy it now and pay for each dlc separate as they come out .or you can buy it later and pay for each dlc from the psn store all when its out ,this saying eather way you cant buy it in a set with all dlc sold toghter.thus not giving fans any option of desiding if they would like to wait. now if you look at gta all there games have later sold as a disk with all dlc on them ,if you look at call of duty same way.and as well with many others. so the issues isnt weather there selling it now with all dlc but didnt at first. (the issues is they claimed we will never sell it with all dlc at lauch.then changed that after all dlc was released to oh here for the non fans who are left here is the full game we didnt do at start and said would never happen,thus making false advertisement) had they said at lauch we have no curent plains of putting all the dlc toghter on one copy,and not we will never put it all on one copy. it would be a whole diffrent story
I preordered destiny and skipped school to play it same with the dlcs Preorder:$60 Croats end :idk 30-60 dollars The second dlc : 30- 60 Oh yeah and I'm a dumbperson so I preordered the 2nd dlc and the bought it a second time cause I couldn't figure out how to download it Taken King was 30- 60 Again it's been a while don't remember the prices
(Just so you know, The Dark below and the House of Wolves were $20 each. The Taken King was $40, and the Rise of Iron is $30)
[quote]I preordered destiny and skipped school to play it same with the dlcs Preorder:$60 Croats end :idk 30-60 dollars The second dlc : 30- 60 Oh yeah and I'm a dumbperson so I preordered the 2nd dlc and the bought it a second time cause I couldn't figure out how to download it Taken King was 30- 60 Again it's been a while don't remember the prices [spoiler]last generation [/spoiler]
Your missing a BIG part of the Bungie selling out to Microsoft section of the -blam!- the fans equation! For a game that STARTED on what's now called legacy consoles these assholes add ANOTHER "DLC"... No it ISNT a DLC because they only OFFER for AND compatibility to anyone that upgrades to a ONE! That equals destiny 2! NOT A DLC, -blam!- Bungie! -blam!-ing CROOKS! And Microsoft, of ALL companies! -blam!- this game and its creators!
Eat a snickers.
You don't seriously think they were going to have all 10 years of Destiny on legacy consoles do you? Microsoft doesn't even make 360s anymore because they are outdated. How is Destiny supposed to survive on an outdated console?
destiny the collection is only like $50 I think comes with everything
It's 60
39,99 if you upgrade (If you had Destiny on the last gen)