I'm guessing between 4-5 million occupants. I also believe there might be an active 20,000 Guardians.
Lore Wise
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More than 3.
Easy. The answer is 24. 24 is the highest number. It's all explained in the link. Warning: hilarity ensues
None. It's the lie we are told so that we don't question why we are killing everything We have never seen a living person anywhere but the tower
*looks around for a little bit* "10."
At least like 12
You see that? You can go there.
All of them
During the beta, there were around 5 million Guardians, which was said to be enough to fill the Last City 10x over, according to the post-beta spreadsheet. You do the math.
20,000 is a bit big. I'd say around 10,000 maybe 15,000
17 people
2 people and 6 cases of vodka....
I think they are all synthetic drones, and we are made to believe that they are the remenants of humanity so that we are forced to protect the giant round twat floating over it.
Probably only a few hundred thousand.
At least 7
Legend says that's where the speaker keeps all his side btiches.... So I'm thinking at least 20.
How many people live in New York? I'd imagine that many.
At least 12
Around 39 maybe 42?
At least 12.
[b][u][i]OVER 9000[/i][/u][/b]
6-7 million is my estimate. It states somewhere (can't remember where) that many cultures live under the Traveler.
considering there are 25 million registered guardians, I would have to say atleast 100 million.. something tells me the lore won't reflect the realities of this.
2. It's our job to make sure they bone and restart the human race, but one is 13 and the other is 40, so it's complicated.
Edited by IllIIJllIlI: 8/17/2016 4:48:46 PM