Went to switch gear between my warlock to my titan only to find that this ability has been taken away for legacy players. Why? What was the point of killing the app this far before roi releases anyways.
Don't misunderstand me, I'm not complaining that they are not releasing roi for legacy consoles and I understand why they need to do it. Yes, I feel it is bad form to do it with the dlc rather than waiting to kill it until the next full title release, but that's the way it is and I get it, I'll upgrade in time but I have more important priorities right now.
Why could they not keep the companion app useful for legacy players? At the very least they could have waited to kill it until the release of roi. Have they announced their reasoning why the app needed to change and they 'needed' to take away legacy functionality? I'm pretty upset about this. I'll get over it, just want to know why.
This all seems to me like they're pushing for players to upgrade by forcing their hand and killing legacy consoles all together. Like I said, I'll upgrade in due time, but I'm taking care of other priorities at this time.
Edited by BlackBeastLegend: 8/19/2016 11:53:30 PMIndeed it's very unfair they don't understand that not everyone can afford a next gen console or there are other priorities at this current stage, they are definitely not being very considerate when they freaking take a way xur trials and iron banner but cmon the companion app as well like how many restrictions do they want to give us and the fact how you cannot tranafer data to next gen console of the same platform after it's release is very unfair as well :/ not happy at all. Like many have stated destiny honestley should have dropped legacy to consoles in destiny 2 release or never relased it on last gen at all. But I guess that's life :/ and if that's what bungie proceed with so be it, but they really have beytrayed their loyal members and I see no reason to further play destiny as they have pretty much neglected legacy consoles and I'm sure not gonna afford a next gen for a while, before you know it they will drop crucible and strikes from legacy consoles and you will be forced to play story missions (jk lol slight exagaration) but it's a shame our pleads will not change a thing 👎😠.
Can't legacy players use 3rd party apps, like Ishtar Commander and Pack Mule to change there stuff?
Destiny is Destiny whether it's on xbox 360, One, ps3, or ps4. They have already made it clear that they want to go next gen and have taken a lot from us already, but the app really? Players still need the app no matter what gen we are on. Plus really letting us keep the app should be insignificant to them in their grand scheme of their 100 (exaggeration) year plan.
I'll be on PS4 next week by the looks of it, but right now on my PS3 it's all a bit depressing. Okay, I can live with going to the tower to swap weapons, my KD is rubbish, I don't need to see it. But after 18 months of playing for them they took away access to my grimoire cards? That's a big middle finger to legacy players.
A lot of people are getting the middle finger every year from this game. Vanilla players were so dedicated and grinded their asses off loot, gala, materials etc. Prices for new content ends up screwing dedicated players, and now legacy player cannot even manage their gear with the app anymore? Wtf?!! This is not hard to maintain. Free apps on my android do way more than this app does. I officially quit destiny today. -blam!- this.
You are't wrong, but most view legacy as dead long ago. Imo legacy was lucky to get destiny at all. It was a different hobby but I have gone from atari-nintendo-sns-n64-gamecube-wii-wiiu-ps4. Had to leave them all behind. Its just that time now for ps3/xbox360. Could be a programming issue for legacy. They don't do it out of spite. My guess is they no longer want to maintain it.