Good day everyone.
I've seen several posts or sub threads with people itching for their own Iron Lord name, be it for a gamertag or just for fun.
Well, I'm here to give you a very simple way to have a totally unique name.
Bear in mind that this method may not always work. BUT, you can do this without needing anything than your current gamertag or PSN.
My gamertag is ArchNInja64. We'll ignore the numbers.
[b]Step 1) Pick a part of the name you like most. [/b] For mine we'll use Ninja.
[b]Step 2) Reverse the name.[/b] Here, it will be Ajnin
[b]Step 3) Remove any excess letters you do not like, and add "Lord" or even a suffix. [/b] In this case, I'll leave it alone, but you could make it Ajni or something like that.
And there you have it, Lord Ajnin.
Other tip:
--If you have one of those random names you created when you were twelve and it doesnt make any sense to even say backwards, simply think of something you really like, and use that word.
Go ahead and give this a whirl and post below.
Edited by OldboyVicious: 8/18/2016 10:32:47 PMOldboy Vicious Drop the vicious, so Oldboy is left. Lord Oldboy Take out some letters... Lolboy Hmmm... Okay let's go with vicious instead. Lord Vicious... I'll take out some letters... Licious. I think I'm doing it wrong. Maybe if I take Lolboy & Licious I can make something out of that... Lolicious. Lord Lolicious. That sounds lame, let me take out some more letters. Lord Loli. Nvm... I'm gonna try again tomorrow when I'm sober.
Lord Onex. I can imagine the gun now... Exotic. Onex's Dab. Everytime you get a precision kill you dab.
Lord Xer Suruas I dig it
Lord selfirnoisuffren [spoiler]read it backwards[/spoiler]
Lord Vader will do just fine.
Lord Xev.
Lord Cimul! [i]Cimul's Fate[/i] would be a cool Iron Lord gun name.
Edited by hmmurdoch.jv: 8/18/2016 8:38:26 PMLord Vader , called it , it's mine now
Awesome. Emosewa. Lord Emose maybe?
Lord Exiiva Wait Exiiva Ecksiiva Siiva SIVA I actually created SIVA, guys. Fear me.
Crystlazar... Lord Razaltsyrc I'm not even mad, that's amazing!
Blobzilla ALLIZBOLB Lord Allizbolb
Logic Cigol Lord Cigol
Edited by Insomniatron: 8/18/2016 9:32:40 PMR.ape D.octor Rotcod Epar Iron Lord Rotcod Epar "Rotcod's Wrecker" Legendary Shotgun "The doctor... is in."
Lord Lacinyc (from my gamertag Sophro[b]cynical[/b]) Fitting, since it sounds like "laconic", which means "of few words", and I don't talk much.
Lord Emem...that's just dumb
Lord Gaidon. I've thought of the name already.
Edited by Ratti260699: 8/18/2016 9:26:03 PMLord Ittar. I'm actually very fond of that so thanks to the op. Edit: Just looked up the word 'Ittar' and found out it's a type of oil, so there's that.
Lord Bretomart
lord serfgoud [spoiler]dropped the h and the [/spoiler]
Iron Lord Inobmaz, Packer of Snow
Silens Mort Trom Snelis Selis [b]Lord Selis[/b] fits with my female Hunter I think
Edited by Kemosabe508: 8/18/2016 9:17:56 PMLord Omek, The Breaker of Fire
Edited by TheManBearApe: 8/18/2016 8:54:01 PMDoes it count if the word is related to my name ? [spoiler]Lord Harambe[/spoiler] Edit: Lord Nam (The Lord of Vietnam?) Lord Reb? Lord Epa ? Lord Pa? Lord Ep? Lord Rab? Lord Dab maybe? Lord DabKing Quickscope?
Lord Nub
Lord Aenar Aenar's vow ( scout rifle )