originally posted in:The Digital Dojo
[b][i]She entered the tent, feeling around it, and trying to grasp an image for what it looked like.[/i][/b]
[b]It was simple, the ground was covered in cloth, and there was a small footlocker in front of a sleeping bag.[/b]
[b][i]She changed into her armor, and walked back out into the camp.[/i][/b]
[b]Many of the Legionnaires took slight glances at her, this was very unusual for them. Eventually, she heard the Legate.[/b] "Cassie! Come here!" [b]It was coming from about twenty feet to the right.[/b]
[b][i]She turned to her right, and walked over to the Legate.[/i][/b]
[b]She heard five more people beside her, and the Legate was in front of them all.[/b] "Listen, Recruits! You are the fresh blood of the Legion! You will be combatants and diplomats of the Legion!" Recruit 1: "Excuse me, Legate?" Legate: "Yes, Recruit?" Recruit 1: "Why is there a woman here? Aren't they too fragile?" Legate: "Do you remember what the second Caesar said about a Legate's decisions?" Recruit 1: "They are final and absolute. But sir-" [b]The Legate smacks the Recruit, leaving a gash in the Recruit's cheek.[/b] Legate: "I will not have this woman's strength questioned. She has proven her worth. Now, are you ready to listen?" All Recruits: "Yes, Legate." Legate: "Good. Now, I want to see each of your melee techniques. Practice on the dummies." [b]There seems to be some practice dummies next to them. A Vexillarius hands them each a machete.[/b]
[b][i]Cassie takes the machete, and walks over to the dummy. She thinks for a few seconds, before slashing from right to left in a wide arc.[/i][/b]
[b]The Legate is clearly watching each one, when Cassie hears footsteps behind her.[/b] ???: "Death to the Legion!" [b]A clash of metal is heard, then whoever swung at the Legate is split open.[/b] Legate: "Filthy Dead Horses traitors."
[b][i]Cassie turned, making a question mark with her right index finger.[/i][/b]
"There was a tribe called the Dead Horses that turned on the Legion. That was one of their members. Sneaky Profligates."
[b][i]She nodded, taking note. She went back to attacking the dummy, not really seeing (heh, phrasing) the point of it.[/i][/b]
[b]After a little bit of hitting the dummies, the Legate speaks.[/b] "Good technique, Recruits. Now, get some rest. You'll need it for tomorrow."
[b][i]Cassie puts the machete down, but doesn't head towards her tent.[/i][/b]
[b]The rest of the Recruits leave.[/b] Legate: "Why are you not going back to your tent?"
[b][i]She shakes her head, looking at the sky. She had not slept for over a year.[/i][/b] [i]Insomnia[/i], [b][i]She wrote on her paper.[/i][/b]
"That is unfortunate. Would you like something to eat, then?"
[b][i]She nodded, her eyes not leaving the sky.[/i][/b]
[b]The Legate led her to a large tent, and then to a long, wooden table.[/b]
[b][i]She sat down, smiling.[/i][/b]
[b]The Legate stood near, and a plate and a bottle were put in front of her. The plate had pieces of Brahmin meat on it, and the bottle was filled with water.[/b]
[b][i]She ate slowly, deep in thought.[/i][/b]
[b]The Legate waited.[/b]
[b][i]She finished, and sat, waiting for the Legate's orders.[/i][/b]
Legate: "I have sent some supplies to your tent, in case you decide to go on an expedition. I would suggest you see what I have sent you."
[b][i]Her eyebrows rose at the word "see", and she smiled.[/i][/b]
"Oh. Well... Go listen at what I sent."