During Iron Banner, which is really the only time I play PvP, I notice a few red bars, and Guardians that have the ability to teleport (not blink mind you). However, I usually try to look past this since I'm not really a too great in the Crucible anyway. However a game I played last night had a team that had 3 of these guys doing this, and I reported them.
Now I feel like an idiot for doing it. Is it common to report these guys, does it really make a difference? I don't think it was worth it now, but something needs to be done about that crap. I have a hard enough time not going negative without an opposing team member lagging through every shot I take at them.
What are your thoughts?
I report them all the time bc I'm a sore loser, and I lose a lot
Reporting won't really do anything to them. They usually get banned after many reports being thrown their way, but reporting them yourself will help keep them from being matched to you. I had to report a team of 6 yesterday because they were too good and no matter if I left the lobby I would still get matched to them. These players were top players that I shouldn't have gotten matched to constantly because I am no were near being a top player.
I report all laggers, if it happens for a few seconds I won't bother. I also report players that message me on Xbox live if it's inappropriate. I play to enjoy myself not you get crap for beating people fairly.
If a user gets one trillion reports he will revive a 5 minute ban :)