originally posted in:The Digital Dojo
"Yeah...he was a good man always helping his friends"says leyla
I take it he was well liked? He only had Wit at school, and he was tortured by all the other kids. [spoiler][url=https://docs.google.com/document/d/1s39t9Nk-awdfe-tRAR0MBZi3suz9tzc6IdX2gKQlXr8/edit?usp=drive_web]If you want some insight[/url][/spoiler]
"Yes he was and he was a good friend of the hayes family if only he could of seen how big the little ones have grown"says leyla
Little ones? You have kids? *He raises an eyebrow, you look too young to give birth and raise children*
[i]she chuckles slightly[/i] "You flatter me sir but there not my kids there my sister's adopted kids and im lot older than i look i just age really slow."says leyla
Oh, okay... I'm still getting used to this place, so forgive me if I don't understand certain things about the people here
"Oh your fine no harm done"says leyla
Oh, good. *He sighs in relief a little* So, I heard that I had to fight to get in?
"Yes you do"says leyla
Oh, okay... Are either of you eligible to test me?
"You have to have one the leuinitents test you we are not one"says leyla
Oh, okay. Thanks anyway
"Well sorry we couldnt be of more help"says leyla
Oh, you guys are okay, you did all you could do. *Carl chuckles slightly*
"Well im gonna go so see you around"says leyla [i]leyla starts walking away leaving Sylvie there still.[/i]
See ya *He turns to Sylvie* Yeah, she seems nice. Did i see an engagement ring on her finger?
"Yeah i heard that she just got engaged not that long ago actually"says Sylvie "She is really nice"says Sylvie
Well congrats to her, hopefully she'll have a good marriage. *He sighs* Well anyway, I think I'm gonna wait here until someone can let me in.
"Me too its hard believe that he younger than her by a lot"says Sylvie "But yeah waiting is killer though"says Sylvie
*He raises an eyebrow* How much younger? *He sighs as he sits down on a bench under a cherry tree*
"Im not sure how old he is but she like 18,000 years old so yeah..."says Sylvie
Oh, interesting... Well, love knows no bounds I guess
"Yeah i couldn't agree more"says Sylvie
*Carl sighs* Sometimes I wonder why my girlfriend broke up with me
"I wouldn't anything about stuff like that i have no memories of my old life before i came here"says Sylvie [i]she sits down the ground when she does some plants start growing up around her slightly as she looks up at the sky[/i]
*He notices the plants but doesn't say anything about them* So you have no recollection of anything prior to waking up here? That's so sad.