Exile Mexy here bringing you the trailer for, quite possibly, the greatest destiny teamtage ever made. My clan ,Exile Empire, aim to provide montages and gameplay with extremely high standards, and this upcoming teamtage is our best work [b]to date[/b]. All the clips are fantastic breakers and up, all put together by the excellent editor Ascend Warise.
However this is just the trailer, edited by the Legend Exile Lost (who absolutely killed it), so you'll have to wait to see the final product, [b]BUT THATS ONLY 2 DAYS[/b]. Yes, Exiled II will be released on saturday 20th August, not long to wait at all.
In the meantime take a look at our channel: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCspFgZ0-NF4nY_niPqhBn2g
Check out all the amazing montages on there by our players and look at our first teamtage "Exiled" just to prepare you for Exiled II ;)
Anyway, thank you for having a look, all views and shares are appreciated and I hope you're excited as we are for the release of our second teamtage
#EXILED II ,August 20th
Oh dear.