Okay, if a basket of three babies showed up at your door step, there was a note, it was three b.net users as babies who would you want it to be?
No you can't kill them
No you can't get rid of them in any way
Yes they grow into exactly the same person they are now
Yes it must be three or more
Yes for the sake of the question you can financially support them
[spoiler]my list consists of
-Mrs. Headcase[/spoiler]
Some banned users who can't make posts
Rachel Riley: StardustSoul, Blackbear, Hipster Hel Ines
I'm really not sure. For as cool as it would be to raise a miniature version of any of the users I've interacted with, putting three of any of you in a room would surely be more than I could stand for any length of time - let alone until I could shove you out the door and into the real world. Two, maybe...but I think three would be the death of me. Oh, I can see it now...a young Solaris picking on Hel while Logical Jack eggs it on... ...or a Navy Seal picking a fight with NoScoped while Ghosty tries to break it up... No. Nope. Not a chance. I've already started turning grey thinking about it! Honestly, though, I would very much like a spawn of my own at some point in the near future. I'd be happy if they turned out half as well as many of the users here...but I ain't letting a one of you borrow my car.