The summer really is just about over. I cant wait for RoI to drop. Destiny has been a journey for me, both virtually and intellectually. Its visual imagery is inspiring and thought provoking: I must admit that how I view the real world has been impacted by the underlying philosophy of Destiny's deeper story. I love the Ghost. It represents and embodies so much more than just a tiny floating robot: it is your friend and ally. In many ways, he is your conscience. From the moment your Ghost reforms you out of ages of death, you are inseparable. He is a powerful entity, yet judging by his size, he is insignificant. But to me, your Ghost shows that there is truth in size. How big something is, can tell you something about what it actually is. It can tell you something about it's essence. Your Ghost, while powerful, is nothing without you. It is a being that seeks a companion to share it's strength with.
[b]Just as the Ghost shows that there is truth in size, as a Planar Theorist, [u]I think that there is truth in the size of the Sun and Moon.[/u][/b]. People that believe in a round earth claim that the sun is a massive ball of fire 93,000,000 million miles away. [b][i]But when you look at them in the sky, the sun and moon are basically THE SAME SIZE![/i][/b] Like the Ghost, the size of the Sun and Moon demonstrate an important truth: [b][i]the truth that the earth is Flat.[/i][/b] This fact is a truth that comes from what we can see from size. Truth is important, [url=]and as my weekly Saturday Twitch stream seeks to show, why we think we know what we know is the most important question of all.[/url] Destiny makes me think about these things. It triggers my imagination.
Stop propagating this nonsense. I hope you're joking, but just in case.