With the unveiling of private matches, we are excited to embrace a more structured competitive arena.
We sweat, make multiple lighthouse trips on the weekend and enjoy skirmish. With a whole new loot table in the crucible and trials, in Rise Of Iron, we cant wait to hit it hard.
I want to open our doors and see if I cant find some skilled players to join us. Message ePro_NuFN if interested so we can set up a time to play against and with you.
A few basic requirements ---->
*No Rage
*Good communication
*1.1+ KD <--Hopefully that reflects sweat games.
*A good review after scrim with you by clan mates (map awareness,call outs,gun skill,etc.)
Looking forward to meeting ya!
p.s. We do stream on twitch. Mostly to create a hang out for members and such. I wont advertise on here, but if interested to see what we are about, feel free to request the channel name :v
danger and dezzie, we are setting up scrims for tomorrow evening. it will consist of player tryout with 2 amenta members vs 3 amenta members. most likely a series of 3 or 5. Shoot me your PSN if you havent already here or on PSN.