Why is the south pole always colder than the north pole during summer? Why do the sun and moon appear to be the SAME size up in the sky? Why is gravity bogus? Why dont commercial flights fly over Antarctica, even though it would be faster? Why can distant objects [url=https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ql_TTguKxnE]like this ship be restored just by zooming in, AFTER it supposedly disappeared due to the curvature of the earth?[/url] Why is science a religion?
I'll be Twitching my weekly stream, [i]Flat Earth & Thought[/i], today at 8pm eastern time. Tune in if these or any other Flat earth questions interest you.[url=https://www.twitch.tv/krishnasprophet] My channel is here[/url]. I'll be playing Black Ops 3 on xbox 1. Feel free to send me a party invite during the stream. My gamer tag is KrishnasProphet. Or just ask me questions in the chat. Hope to see you there!
[b]Edit:[/b]Thanks for watching guys! It was a bit slow today, I had to do most of the talking. But thats ok. I like hearing myself talk. With the end of summer, I hope everyone is having a smooth transition back to real life... Anyways, hope to talk with you guys next week. [b][u]I Twitch ever Saturday, Live, at 8pm eastern time.[/u][/b] Hope to see you next week!
Don't bother with this troll. If you want physical evidence you can see get some binoculars and watch the ISS pass by 6 times a day.
You know, I can't help but come to respect you. Throughout constant hate, you've never stopped or given up your beliefs, and I can respect that. We might not agree, but at least you don't resort to name-calling, but instead argue in a respectful manner.
Face cam or nah
It's a pitty I missed it. I'll be sure to watch your stream next time.
And you're ?
Your spelling a gramma offends me.
No just no
Admiral Byrd claimed there was a continent the size of America beyond Antarctica
Still more believable than Scientology.
you cant be a flat earther and hindu it contradicts itself
There are no commercial flights, or any flights for that matter, over Antarctica because there's a whole in the middle of the continent that leads to the center of our planet, and multiple governments work to keep it a secret
People who are still taking you seriously, especially with that motto, worry me.
Although I'm thoroughly convinced the earth is spherical, I admire that you're more informative about your beliefs instead of shoving it down others' throats. What I appreciate is the courage it takes for flat earthers to speak out against the religious and cultish aspects of mainstream science with its "don't-question-us" mentality.
2016 and these people are still around? [spoiler]WTF[/spoiler]
It's gone too far
A majority of people don't have questions or concerns about a flat earth because it's not flat.
So since the earth is flat I'm just going to jump off the edge in a couple of minutes and see how far I can get into space. See ya. 😄
You're still at this? I've been gone since spring and I was amazed to see you here.
Edited by Barbatos: 8/22/2016 2:26:31 AMThis should be interesting.
Easy way to test the Antarctica idea. Go to sea, anchor a buoy and measure the distance around Antarctica back around to that point. That should prove definitively whether Antarctica is the edge of the world or not.
It was all just a ploy to get people to watch his stream... the sad part is I bet it's going to work
Did i just time travel 300 years back
What is the velocity of an unladden flat earth swallow?
That's 4 in the morning for me. I would love to be on a stream tho. Cri [spoiler]wort[/spoiler]
I originally thought that these people were just joking but I'm starting to believe that they aren't