If I boot up Destiny, as soon as I get to orbit, my entire internet connection goes down. EVERY single time. Waiting for party stabilization, then vulture or weasel. Kills twitch, youtube, etc.
As long as I don't start Destiny, everything is fine. The instant I do, everything dies, like it's flooding my network connection. I've cleared the cache and did not help.
I have 20 years of IT experience. I've rebooted my router, reset cable modem, my xbox one is always hardwired. Networking checks gives me a speed of 52 down/16 up, 4 jitter, 0 packet loss.
I've been fine for 2 hours...until the moment my character hits orbit and the "Waiting for party stabilization" starts. Then everything goes to hell. This started last night about 11pm CDT
Yeah I started getting these Tuesday when they separated the Legacy consoles from current consoles, also sadly Bungie ALWAYS adds problems with one update then fixes it with the next update, it's an endless cycle but hopefully they will fix it soon.