[b]The deity and Tesuto look at each other for a moment.[/b] Tesuto: "He's right." Deity: "Hmmm. Ya. I guess we have to-" [b]The deity slams Tesutos head into the wall. Knocking him out. [/b] "Let's fast forward to weapons training!" [b]The deity grabs one of Tesutos massive Katanas and throws it at the blobs feet.[/b]
[b]It grows tiny stubs for arms.[/b] "Oh... Okay..." [b]It "grabs" the katana with its stubs.[/b] [spoiler]Remember, this thing is a copycat. It will copy your techniques.[/spoiler]
"Alright. Now. One foot forward, and the other back. Like you are Ready to shove it up someone's ass. And...swing!" [b]The deity swings his blade at a right angle.[/b]
[b]The blob swings the blade, but ends up impaling himself.[/b] "Oh... I don't think I did it right."
"Naaaaaah. You did just fine. Just...try again?"
"Okay." [b]It pulls the blade out of its body, then swings it again.[/b]
[b]The deity practices with the ditto for hours. Going over the basics, as well as practical fighting stances and attacks.[/b]
[b]It learns extremely fast, if can copy him, after all.[/b]
"Alright well you've learned all you could so...that about wraps things up! Now go...get an actual body. Seriously this blob thing just won't work."