It's feels too strict right now, not having as much fun as I had before in crucible. Also the maps are now boring, can we have all of them in the rotation?
Edit: We are trending!
Still fun to go as team in crucible, playing as a solo player is kind of boring.
Mayhem clash
Anytime Mayhem is a playlist
Edited by Haru: 8/23/2016 8:10:34 PMWhen I get into a lobby where everyone is just chilling and not using the best stuff
House of wolves before the last word nerf
the words "crucible" and "fun" should never be in the same sentence #PVEplayersmatter
Last time I played
Playing defender for the first time (i main gunslinger, so it was quite the learning curve haha)
Well the last time I played was 2 Elimination games before work. That would be the last time I had fun as of now. [spoiler]it helps if you don't suck[/spoiler]
yesterday and two days b4 that and last week as well, a lot last month if I'm being honest
Every day I have fun, I would play something else if I didn't
yesterday...last time I played.
In the beginning when the vex was king. I used it through all the nerfs until the last one before ttk dropped. I loved going to town on all the thorn/tlw users.
Most days. Because I don't play so much PVP that I burnout on it.
When it was new, and I got that feeling a tiny bit again when the prep patch for the taken king watered down everyone's spec stats. The game as it is now is too chaotic, and frankly not fun. Things I suggest wind up being called taking the destiny out of destiny but thats not what I'm aiming to do at all. I just want the game to communicate better or arguably at all to the player properly. Further than that wind down all the one shot kills somehow. The amount of oneshot cheese is everywhere and it's stupid. People want primaries to be equal to all of this but they don't get that it would make camping worse. Apparently they've never experienced how players are when they have heavy. I'll tell you, they literally just camp until someone screws up. Seriously the game is plain dumb, and it's in part thanks to the above and the community supporting that.
When ever I use my troll builds. (Infinite nade storm or melee massacre)
Every time i play Crucible, otherwise i would not play it since it is a game. If you take it to serious you might as well do something worth while.
Edited by basebalbasebal14: 8/23/2016 6:37:43 PMThe last time I played crucible
Back in Year1 I remembered the days where I could dance freely or wave at enemy guardians and they would join me. Bubble dances were the best
I stopped playing for quite a while because I got bored with PvE, and I was absolutely horrible at PvP. After a few months, I returned (this past Friday). I was a little reluctant to jump into Iron Banner since I was only 327, but once I got into the swing of things, I was having an absolute blast! I actually enjoyed playing all weekend long. Got all 3 characters to Rank 5 and still wanted more!
Yesterday actually! Nothing more fun than a 7 kill stormcaller super 😏
I only play crucible when I have to pve is more fun
It was last night in spite of the lag/latency. Get a group of your friends and go have a laugh... even if you're getting curb stomped.
I have fun whenever it's Mayhem
Pretty much every time I play crucible I have fun. When I stop having fun and get frustrated, I take a break and play something else for a little while. The maps are boring, but every shooter I've ever played has had boring maps after you play them a few hundred times. Kind of inevitable.