I'm sure we've all been excited for some games throughout our lives, enthusiastically looking forward to release and soaking up every bit of information we can find, only to be very disappointed after finally having the chance to play it.
The experienced players know never to get too hopeful after having been let down enough times in the past, but the younger players will often fall into the hype for an upcoming game with no concern about the possibility that it might not turn out how they would like.
[b]What games have you been hyped for in the past, only to be disappointed with upon release?[/b]
Destiny. Enjoyed vanilla destiny. Then they forced dlc on us which i was not ok with
BioShock Infinite.
I was severely disappointed by Tron: Evolution when it came out.
Destiny Halo 5 (campaign)
In recent years Eso and destiny
As controversial as an answer, I have to say Halo: CEA. People on b.net always seemed to clamor on about Halo 1 being such a great game. Honestly, I hated the gameplay aspect. It's just horribly unbalanced and unenjoyable for me. It was even worse when I got to play halo 1 multiplayer with MCC. Literally touching a warthog moving at 0.00001 mph kills you. Spawns are also really terrible, especially on Derelict, which revolves into spawnkililng the enemy to death or being spawnkilled yourself.
Skyrim, Fallout 4.
Star Wars battlefront for sure, 1 and 2 on the original Xbox were glorious! Newest edition was the biggest pile of tripe! Black ops 2 was absolute brown town fm. Assassins creed unity, just end the series already please. Pokemon go, -blam!- dat I ain't walking to the misses gaff never mind running round looking for Pokemon! Division, running around killing the same enemies over n over for it to glitch out every second mission. Ooo this guys got a cowboy hat on that makes him so much different to every other bad guy. And what's the story with them being absolute bullet sponges when the guys wearing a hoody and a beanie!?
Density is the only game that has truly made me feel disappointed about a game.
How long have you got? CoD4, Alan Wake, Mass Effect, Halo 5... those are the most notable ones, I suppose, the ones many people adore but I couldn't get into or can't stand. I also bought of my own volition Aliens: Colonial Marines and Duke Nukem Forever. Honestly, the design of the latter was so outdated, it gave me a headache.
Edited by Woupsea: 8/23/2016 6:24:00 AMHalo 4. Nothing else compares to the indescribable disappointment I had with that shitheap.
Destiny Halo 4 Halo 5
Master chief collection Halo 4 and up Black ops 3 Lotro (i have 20min played... for $60)
No Man's Sky Vanilla Destiny Halo 5's Campaign Aliens: Colonial Marines Ride to Hell: Retribution Solbrain: Knight of Darkness
Edited by Kankunation: 8/23/2016 5:58:45 PMHalo 4 vastly disappointed me with its lackluster forge and customs. I figured it would have been at least as good as halo reach in that aspect, but it was far worse. AC unity, for obvious reasons. I got it with my xb1 in a bundle, but I couldn't even bring myself to get past the 2nd sequence. Other than that, I can't really think of any games that disappointed me. Plenty of disappointing DLC though.
BF hardline
Halo 4, the new SW: Battlefront, and Halo 5.
Anything by Gearbox. I'm officially done trying anything they offer from now until eternity, no matter how much hype it may get.
Starwars the force unleashed 2.
All Assassins Creed games past Brotherhood.
Halo 4, Star Wars Battlefront, CoD Ghosts & Advanced Warfare
Destiny, any 343 halo
Edited by Oblixious: 5/6/2024 12:20:47 AM
Fallout 4 is definitely the most disappointed I've ever been with a game
fallout 4/10 is easily number one. runner up goes to army of two the devils cartel. two terrible sequels that removed most of the things people enjoyed about the previous games
Edited by Racebum: 8/24/2016 10:13:53 PMModern Warfare 3, no man's Sky a little bit. All of the Uncharted games. This recent one isn't too terrible. You're still playing a movie though. The absolute worst is probably the last of us. That had some of the worst gameplay mechanics a top tier game has ever had. Besides being incredibly linear all you do is sneak and solve the same puzzle over and over. There is no real playing. Every Assassin's Creed except Black Flag. Black Flag was a little grindy doing the same thing over and over but at least it was pretty and reminded me a little bit of Far Cry. Oh that brings up another one. Far Cry 4 and Far Cry primal. Far Cry 3 is still considerably better