This morning, Destiny was working quite well, but then around 5-6 pm CST (it's 8:36 as I type this) I get Weasel'd with no Contacting Destiny Servers warning, and it will weasel me 3+ times before even letting me back into Destiny. Plus, even if I do manage to get on, my connectivity is apparently so horrendous that every crucible match and strike I participate in is horribly laggy. My internet is rarely like this and I even checked in to see if there was any issues on their sides (not to mention there WAS a storm for like 15-20 minutes a few hours ago), at which they answered "Not that we have heard or seen. We'll let you know." Meanwhile, my constant red bar is basically causing me more frustration than any sort of fun; kills in crucible are 2.5 delayed AFTER I get killed and strikes are keeping me from even doing anything in them, barely any kills and can't even help kill the boss. I even sat for 10 minutes due to the fact that the enemies just stalled and my strike teammates were running into walls. Any one else having this issue?
Could you please try the following?: 1. Unplug your console from its power source; 2. Unplug your router and plug it back in to restart it; 3. Once your router is fully up and running, plug your console back in; 4. Test things out and report back!