Using the Touch of Malice in the Iron Banner is probably not recommended...
That being said... That is exactly what I did for a couple of games last week. I thought for sure that I'd be completely annihilated, but I had a couple of good matches with it.
One my first venture out with it, we played on Memento. I managed to get a couple of kills and then got toasted by a grenade... Went on a 4 kill streak (playing back a little - not charging full force into the enemy) and ended up with a decent match...
Kind of fun!
I used it when getting my scout kills towards the mointain top. I actually did fairly well with it, you just have to be careful. It's also disgusting if you run defender with blessing lol.
Use shoulder charge only, played some games with my friends in double matched up. Did a tlw and sniper hip fire only. Tlesto only. Shoulder charge only. Tons of fun
If you liked ToM, you'll probably enjoy inward lamp. Basically the same gun.
This is what I like to see. Players branching out and tying new technics in destiny. Heh. In fact I think I'll always be know as the guy who will disobey the meta in some way
I've used it in trials before. Works great if you've got a defender Titan with you lol
Hoping to manage to get ToM soon, I've been putting it off for a very long time. Either way, all of my phantoms were pulled off with either MIDA or Hung Jury... Hard to argue they're anything but amazing for PVP.
Did the same. Always went positive (barely) and I'm no crucible kid.
Besides this recent Iron Banner (Got a few new Scout Rifle), Touch of Malice is my main gun. 1 because it's a good weapon and does a surprising amount of damage and 2 people tend to react.
I've pulled a 15 streak with it and a shotty before...was like 6 months ago though.
ToM in crucible is a trolls dream, if you teabagged on top of that, now you're on a whole new level lol
I read this a year ago.