There's this thing, we'll call it Traveller because it sounds better than Ball, it did things. Great things, we don't know how or why so let's just gloss over that for now.
It's a friendly Ball... Traveller, as far as we can tell (oooooh, high five for adding suspense). It seems to have helped other planets out... but VERY bad things happened to all of them (nice! More suspense!).
So Ball (Traveller is too many letters) runs away... no wait PUSHED away and finds us! It decides to stay because there's something "special" about the Solar system. Yeah, that's cool! What is special about us.... who cares! We'll figure it out later!
So the Darkness comes (*loud guitar wails in* "I believe in a thing called looooove)
"). Edgy right? Who are the Darkness... a guy in a onesy! No wait space gerbils! No, that's way to highschool... Worms! No one will see that coming! Okay so evil space worms come and what does Ball do... what do the worms do for that matter, neither of them have arms... dammit. Space zombies! They fight with sweet sweet space zombies!
On second thought maybe zombies are getting to over done... after spending so much time designing the hunters to attract the hipster comunity it would be a shame to been seen as selling out now. No, not Zombies... "Formerly humans filled with light and sentience"... yeah, more like talking Jaco lanterns!
Okay so we need aliens to play as and fight...
Good guys
1. Humans
2. Blue Humans
3. Green Hum.... no, Robot Humans!
Bad guys
4. Robots
5. Space Lobsters
6. Space Turtles
7. Space Spiders
Origin stories... meh, later. This was really hard... I think we've got enough for a game here!
I'd like to think that since this is the first game in what is supposed to be a continuing line, that maybe it'll be like that until the second, third, or maybe even forth installment. Then, when it all becomes clear, maybe it'll be like, "Whoa! Holy sh!t. That was an awesome build up to that. I had no idea that was what was happening. Mind blown. So satisfied." Maybe it won't happen like that. Maybe it will be a total cop-out. But, I'm not making my mind up yet. I've got the patience to see it through. It's like watching the first few Lord of the Rings and you're like, "What, seriously? That's all we get?" But by the end of the last one it's like, "Man, that was one long story that took forever, but it ended nicely." Though, we all (well most people who'd read the books) knew what was going to happen. It's still kinda the same concept. A good story can't be rushed to a conclusion. It needs a nice slow build up, and sometimes the confusion is worth it when the reveal happens. Also, I kinda like that the story isn't set in stone. It let's me know that what I may be thinking is going to happen, could be all wrong. I don't like to know what happens in a movie before I watch it. I also don't like any story to be "spoiled" for me. Most people are disappointed when what they think it's going to happen doesn't happen. I like it. It's not my story. I'm not writing it. I enjoy the ride when that part that comes out of left field eventually takes me home in a long, winding path, especially if that "home" happens to be in another field all together.
Are we still talking about Destiny or did we jump to Game of Thrones?
Edited by NinjaMatic: 8/26/2016 2:19:06 AMI don't disagree with you there. I love a good, measured build up, with a surprising and satisfying climax. We are 100% in agreement. I think where we differ in our impressions of how successful they are with their build up so far. I'm not saying I want anything spoiled, I'm saying that there are things they could be building up that wouldn't spoil a thing but would add emotion and context to what is happening. Character development for one. That, coupled with all of the Grimwar would start to be a much richer experience. TTK offered a glimpse at what was possible. With a little character development people immediately felt more connected with Cayde-6 and Eris, and in return that made their grimwar cards more powerful because they had become somewhat more real. This game has a lot of places it could go. There is no doubt in my mind that they have enough material to mine to last 10 years. Hell, if they woke the traveller up next week that only creates more possibilities. I'm not saying they should, simply that speeding up the time line on that doesn't necessarily mean the game would end sooner. I'm all for a slow burn, but to me it feels like this fire is all but out. There's plenty of kindling, and firewood, Bungie just has to blow, and breath a little life back into the game. You've got to build up that bed of embers, one or two on their own will just go out.
Just listen to the rhythm of my heart!
I was worried I would be the only one laughing at that.
Edited by Square American: 8/26/2016 12:06:16 AMYou had me at the Darkness reference...I don't think anyone else caught that! High five 🙏
Edited by NinjaMatic: 8/26/2016 1:09:18 AMOne other person has. I thought I might be the only one. It's nice to have company!
Youngins. Tisk...tisk. 😕 I jammed them out in my way home from work!
Destiny has better lore than 99.99% of games so Im not sure what you are getting at Very unique.
Lore, yes... plenty of little splashes of color that hint at a deeper story, but never fully delve into anything too deeply. Look, the lore in the cards are neat, if you like em that's great. Our standards are clearly different though, but that's okay, and no I'm not making a back handed jab. You don't have to be smart to want a more comprehensive INGAME story, and you don't have to be stupid to enjoy what exists. I'm just having a bit of fun at Bungie's expense, cool your jets boss. My opinion is that Bungie is developing their story WAY to slowly. With a team of writers they should have no problems fleshing out ideas and taking the game in interesting dirrections instead of being 2 years into a game and not even know what we are fighting or fighting for... in 2 years we haven't gotten a single answer out of the speaker... WTF? This where I usually rant... I like what exists, what I hate is the slow trickle it come in.
If only it appeared in the game and not in some app
That would help. More people would read it. Even if they had it as text that scrolled on screen while you travelled from planet to planet, or could brows it while you were waiting for a raid group or match making...
Edited by FusionGlitter69: 8/26/2016 12:06:19 AMHe's not trashing bun gie for not putting it in the game He's trashing the lore itself. Its defintely very solid and creative video game lore.
No... in this you are completely incorrect. I'm not making fun of the lore, I'm making fun of the process of creating the story for Destiny. You seem to be taking this very personally. As for the grimwar, I think it's interesting, and I think it would make an interesting supplement to a story, but as the primary vehicle for telling a story I find it very limitted. Forgive me, but I'm about to use a sports analogy. Telling the bulk of Destiny's story through grimwar in the form of anecdotes is like trying to understand what is happening in a football game over the radio with 90% of the commentary being done by the color guy. As much as I love to know interesting and relevant tidbits about the history of football, I'm not listening to get a history lesson. I'm listening to the game. A good color commentator can explain rivalries, losses, and triumphs to ad emotional context to the game and give you a richer experience, but if you don't know who the quarterback is, or even really what the rules or the goals are, ... who cares what his grand dad did. So no, I'm not trashing on the Grimwar. I'm trashing on the way Bungie has so far chosen to deliver a story.
My point is that 80% of players probably don't even know half the lore due to its delivery and as such it effectively doesn't exist as much of the players see it. The app is a cool companion idea but having the grimoire in the game itself would probably expose a lot of the lore to a lot more players