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8/25/2016 11:50:41 PM
There's this thing, we'll call it Traveller because it sounds better than Ball, it did things. Great things, we don't know how or why so let's just gloss over that for now. It's a friendly Ball... Traveller, as far as we can tell (oooooh, high five for adding suspense). It seems to have helped other planets out... but VERY bad things happened to all of them (nice! More suspense!). So Ball (Traveller is too many letters) runs away... no wait PUSHED away and finds us! It decides to stay because there's something "special" about the Solar system. Yeah, that's cool! What is special about us.... who cares! We'll figure it out later! So the Darkness comes (*loud guitar wails in* "I believe in a thing called looooove) "). Edgy right? Who are the Darkness... a guy in a onesy! No wait space gerbils! No, that's way to highschool... Worms! No one will see that coming! Okay so evil space worms come and what does Ball do... what do the worms do for that matter, neither of them have arms... dammit. Space zombies! They fight with sweet sweet space zombies! On second thought maybe zombies are getting to over done... after spending so much time designing the hunters to attract the hipster comunity it would be a shame to been seen as selling out now. No, not Zombies... "Formerly humans filled with light and sentience"... yeah, more like talking Jaco lanterns! Okay so we need aliens to play as and fight... Good guys 1. Humans 2. Blue Humans 3. Green Hum.... no, Robot Humans! Bad guys 4. Robots 5. Space Lobsters 6. Space Turtles 7. Space Spiders Origin stories... meh, later. This was really hard... I think we've got enough for a game here!

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