Im a day one player on the xbox one and bought it again for the ps4 when the april update came out and have 6 high level characters. Ive played through the story from start to finish many times and while the story is good, the insane amount of story and extra details that has been left out of the game is a joke. I could go and read the gromoire but its not in order and i refuse to read it until its put in the game, even as a codex as long as it was done in a way that is clear and in order so i dont have to jump between 20 cards to read all the info about a certain weapon or event a good example is the thorn the number of cards you have to find in order to read all about it is insane. It could be a great feature in destiny 2 if its done right, but sadly from a few interviews ive seen it will never happen.
I know what you mean. To found out the full story you have to get two exotic hand cannons, collect a load of dead ghosts and go on to Or just go onto It's actually quite a handy website. You should have a look.
At this stage i refuse to have to go to an outside source for 90% of the storyline and 99% of the lore. I would have no problem if it was little bits of extra info or a side story like the halo books.
I know what you mean. But they actually categorise it into relevant subjects and time lines. But bungie really should put it into the game