Destiny is my first FPS and I love it. It's stories, which aren't long or complicated, are still good and keep me entertained. Even just patrolling is tons of fun.
I have every mission done (almost) except all the matchmaking strikes. Because im new to FPS games and I'm not ve good, I feel like I'm just slowing everyone down and dying all the time. Does anyone else feel that way? Any advice?
Be honest with yourself. Yes, you may be slowing down your random partners right now, but nobody mastered this game the first time they played it. You're still learning and when you settle on weapons and tactics where you notice they work fine, you'll keep dying less and less. You grow at these challenges, and you get stronger and better every time you encounter a tough situation. It doesn't really matter if you succeed in completing them, even a retreat teaches you a lesson. Even when you are a Veteran, you still find yourself in difficult situations. That's the magic in this game, and one of the reasons why I'm a big fan of it. Even at my maximum Level and high experience, it still happens that the Level 8 "The Devil's Lair" (Sepiks Prime) Strike becomes tough due to unexpected events or using gear I'm not used to. Keep going, and your Light becomes strong. One day you will a way to overcome all obstacles. Be brave.