This guide won't do me any good, as I am using my phone as a Hotspot to connect to the internet with my PS4.
Depending on your setup and how strong / consistent / congested your cellular network is at home, you could potentially have a better connection than some of the people teasing you. Not likely, but maybe :)
You must do terrific in crucible
Taking my stats into account, terrific is not the word that comes in my mind.
1.2 isn't too shabby, dude. Give yourself [i]some[/i] credit
Lol wow that sucks
If you know how to do it you can pull constant green bar and 50ms on latency. That's better then most kids after school on a shared wifi setup. It takes some networking knowledge though.
^^HE'S A red bar hero... with stars in his eyes!
Nah more like a traffic light controller.
Traffic light hero doesn't work with the song though.
Oh my. That is horrible.
Infinite blink is never bad...