The idea behind the class exclusive Gunsmith quest weapons was a really cool idea. However, a lot of people will agree that the Titans got the short end of the stick with their weapons. I had a really good idea for changing the Immobius shotgun.
For starters, it's a complete redesign.
See below for my reason why.
[spoiler]All the other class-exclusive weapons (including the Fabian) can be used with all 3 subclasses, in fact the Susanoo is designed to use all 3 subclasses. Yet, with the Immobius, the "bouncer" perk only triggers when, "Getting [i]kills[/i] while inside your [i]Ward of Dawn[/i] with [i]Armor of Light[/i] do not consume ammo." So let's get this straight, the perk is useless on a Striker or Sunbreaker, you can't use Blessing of Light or Weapons of Light, and it has to be a [i]kill.[/i] None of the other class-exclusive weapons are this specific… why should this weapon be as well? End rant.[/spoiler]
Alright, whether you read that or not let's get started.
First, we'd change the RoF and Impact to match that of "The Next Big Thing" crucible vendor shotgun or the Dead Orbit shotgun "Patch-A".
Next, change the "Surrounded" perk to "Close and/or Personal"
Now finally, with the Bouncer perk, instead of having to get [i]kills[/i] while inside [i]Ward of Dawn[/i] with [i]Armor of Light,[/i] it would be "Getting kills with this weapon will instantly refresh your melee charge"
Other changes to stats like range, reload, ammo, etc. Can be altered, but I have no specifics.
Additional info.
[spoiler]The perks of the changed Bouncer perk, when combined with Close and/or Personal, can be very dangerous given the scenario.
For example, you shotgun an enemy in the Crucible, but he lives. The Bouncer perk doesn't trigger, but with the Close and/or Personal perk, quickly meleeing your target will guarantee a kill, whether you have a charged melee or not.
Or you kill someone, both Close and/or Personal and Bouncer trigger, and you melee someone before Close and/or Personal runs out, you could potentially get an easy double kill.
Using this gun while playing as a Defender with the No Backup Plans equipped, depending on which perk should trigger first, [i]every[/i] kill with the gun could give you Force Barrier. Bungie would just need to make it so Bouncer triggers before No Backup Plans do.[/spoiler]
It still is a shame that Immobius is a pure -blam!-ing trash weapon. Stillpiecer is good, whatever the warlocks got was probably good. But immobius? It's a joke weapon.