Good post- meant to help those willing to be helped.
Unfortunately the vast majority of players don't know their TCP from their UDP or care that they don't know.
If your employed in Information Technology this post is straight forward common sense - the majority of this forum are simply too far removed from us to comprehend.
Trying to correct a network ignorant person trying to tell you what the problem is maddening-- so just don't.
Kudos for trying though.
All I really wanted was to get people thinking about their networks, when they were set up, whats changed since that time, what other devices are connected to the network at the same time your playing Destiny. I see lag as a personal challenge, but I know without a shadow of a doubt that its never me :O Networking is such and abstract concept and most people cant really see or imagine whats going on logically. It makes it hard to get the more advanced concepts across. I believe that if everyone does the bare minimum to change their network set ups 70% of the PvP issues will be cleared up.