"Then let us make each other known. I am Sergeant Draros, I lead this here squad."
"Well Brother-Sergeant, it's ac pleasure to meet you and see another friendly face aboard this plagued ship."
He nods. "Have you seen any other Battle Brothers in this wretched place?"
"Roboute Guilliman and his Ultramarines are onboard, they've set up a camp for the Imperium a ways away." [i]The Crimson Scar Loyalist said as he put the bottom of his large hammer on the floor of the partly living vessel that cruised through the Warp, so the actual head of the hammer hovered just by his head, as he held it like a shaman held a staff in fantasy. [/i]"Jaghatai Khan of the White Scars has come from the Webway to assist in slaughtering Dark Eldar." [i]He claimed, before a scowl plagued his tanned face beneath his helm. [/i]"And my fallen Space Marine chapter has arrived to hunt me on the ship, so that's all we have to face in terms of our Brothers."
"Ah. Very well, perhaps we may assist you in evading your chapter, unless you'd prefer to embark upon a campaign to destroy them.. We have asked around and there may be other chapters on board, but for now you're the only Battle Brother we've found."
"Aye, the plan was to return to the Imperium camp and seek out brothers, but this Legion of mine has turned to Khorne. So nothing is safe nor sacred to them."
"So, do you have any other destinations currently in mind?"
"None that I can think of. Just got to rally troops and kill Khornites, should be easy."
"Then let's get a move on. We may need a lot of the people.."
"Yeah, lead the way, I'll see if I can't rally some men at the Imperium camp. You know where that is?"
"No, we don't. We've been searching around for a while and all we've found were some tyranids, which we have Purged."
"Follow me, then." [i]Bracheous said as he started to walk back to the camp, which n truth was only a ways away, maybe 2 or 3 halls down. [/i]
They followed, all ten of them marching in unison as the Crimson Scar led them on.