[b]I return, with no popcorn or tea, but rather a large handcannon, and press it up against Smaug's head.[/b] "ALRIGHT YOU ABOMINATION, WHERE IS THE REAL ONE?"
Right here...
[b]Ite grabs his head, opening his mouth, and places the gun's barrel inside.[/b] "THATS WHAT THAT LAST TWO SAID."
Edited by Frog: 8/27/2016 6:03:18 PM"What's something only the real one would say?"
Uhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh you've been gone for a while?
Edited by JealousOrc: 8/27/2016 8:42:07 PMI'm named after the dragon in the Hobbit because Tubbs was unoriginal.
[b]Ite sighs[/b] "Fair enough." [b]He withdraws the gun[/b]
Thank you. Now, have you been watching that war too? Some crazy stuff.
"Yeah, lots of Twilight monsters, dragons, Tubbs getting his head nearly blown off, it's been pretty crazy."
Yeah... Wait what about Tubbs!? Oh well, he can probably handle himself.
"From what I saw, he was actually close to death."
"You should probably go help him out, really."
Maybe... Nah he'll probably be fine... Well maybe... Nah. I don't feel like fighting honestly. I think I'll just watch the battle and eat popcorn.
[b]The apartment suddenly shakes as an explosion is heard near by. The window breaks.[/b] "What?"
[b]he rushes outside[/b]
[b]Ite waves him off.[/b]