It's time to buff primary weapons. They need to be the best weapons in the game, at this point in the game primaries have been nerfed so many times that you'll be better off running around with a shotgun all game.
Hand canons and auto rifles don't have enough range to challenge any snipers. Weapons (minus hand canons) can't kill fast enough to counter shotgunners (especially in a meta where thunder strike/juggernaut/force barrier are very common). In the next patch some things need to be done about primaries. NO MORE NERFS. We are done with those.
[b][u]-give hand canons back the accuracy they had before 2.0
-give pulse rifles back their damage they had before 2.0
-give auto rifles back their damage they had in vanilla
-scouts may stay the same, they were always inferior to hand hand canons except at long distance. [/u][/b]
Bump if you agree.
Edit: here is what I predict will be nerfed because we all know the word "buff" is not in bungie's dictionary.
-Grasp of Malik archetype damage nerfed to 19 headshot, less range
-Medium impact hand canons bloom mechanic intensified, they're being used too much
-increased control will not provide Titans with significant lateral movement speed anymore, Titans were never meant to be so fast, it's not how we want you to play the game
-blink strike lunge distance nerfed, we find blade dancer had increased usage since the last patch
-the hawksaw archetype of pulse rifles will be removed, all weapons in this archetype will be transformed into the slightly slower firing archetype (nirwens). We thought it wasn't fair that nirwens took the same amount of shots to kill as the hawksaw, but shot slower.
Add to the list of things Bungie will nerf
I feel like everybody at Bungie is a PvE player with no idea wtf goes on in the crucible.
Scout Rifles should have more aim assist so that they are very easy to use at long range. Easier to use than snipers but take longer to kill.
As long as the nerfing stops, I'm in.[spoiler]#STOPNERFINGSHIT[/spoiler]
Would a rangefinder/rifle barrel/third eye lord high fixer be classed as god roll?
If Bungie nerfs Blink Strike again outside of fixing Backstab some more (I'm still activating Backstab from the front all the time), I'm gonna be a very salty dude. I'll even whine about it in a private group chat for all of 5 minutes. Where was I going with this?
In all honesty, the only thing that needs to be altered in terms of the weapons both primary and secondary is different damage archetypes for the different types of guns. For example, the highest fire rate of weapons with high control are preferred at the moment due to their lower time to kill and their range is the same as other rifles of the same class. There should be a greater damage drop-off for these weapons similar to how Call of Duty handles the difference between Assault rifles, Sub-Machine Guns, and Light-Machine Guns. The larger, slower firing weapons should deal the same damage to kill at mid range as every other weapon, but their damage drop-off should be far less. The fastest fire rate weapons should have the same time to kill in close-low mid range scuffles, but lose out hard in longer range engagements. As for the middle ground weapons, they should be great at a mid range, but then be ok at a close or long range firefight.
Haha lets get op some gunskill
No. Weapons are actually balanced at the moment. There is constant diversity in pvp. And if you can't kill in pve then you're gonna need to play on an easier setting. Honestly... stop making things worse.
I dont think the Titan jump will be changed at all. You are literally wearing a jetpack, of course you will move faster than some floating Warlock or some bunny hopping Hunter Perhaps they make it so that you can't spam the jetpack thrust, which is the essence of Titan skating. As for shoulder charge, perhaps they will make it so that if you are grounded upon activation you do not launch into the air. Likewise if you are airbone upon activation you stay airbone when you shoulder charge. That would be a good change for me
Edited by Monkeymayhem915: 8/28/2016 3:48:33 PMI disagree, faster TTK will make it feel like CoD (kinda) and no one wants that...this game was "supposed" to reward gun skill but adding fast TTK there is none of that and everyone is special
I'm just sick and tired of dying from the same shit. Recently I have been using Jade Rabbit and holy hell do I love how that thing melts people. Now I can beat a MIDA and a sniper, I can even beat shotgun rushers. But I'm tired of dying by the meta weapons.
Yes, agree one hundred percent.
Yes plz
These are all PvP problems. I'm not a big PvPer (Is that a word? It is now.), except when it comes to Shaax Bounties, so I can't really say anything about this. Do hand cannons really need a buff though? I remember my Imago Loop massacred everyone it was pointed at.
Edited by Hells Assailent: 8/28/2016 7:31:44 PMCan we get supers buffed first? I'm sick of being 1 shot out of them as well as primaries killing me in 1v1 fights. Seriously this game has no balance. Edit: Bungie will nerf all supers to take 200 hits to kill an enemy as the enemy just farts to kill you. Supers aren't meant to be used anyways.
I agree with this completely
Why would you challenge a sniper with anything other than another sniper or a high impact scout rifle? Use the terrain to close the gap.
so many whiny complainers!!!! instead of crying, try getting better at the game....smh
I just wished they'd remove bloom from handcannons
Buff high impact auto rifles
I think every thing is pretty well balanced right now tbh. All primaries are a viable option. I love the eyasluna. Secondaries are more divided. I see less snipers in trials compared to a few months ago. Everything has a way to be countered. You want to camp and hardscope? I'll throw on invis and cram my shotgun up your ass. The only thing I would like to see is more flinch on snipers. Make unflinching a lot more of sought after perk. Uni is pretty aids but TLW or a well placed sticky works
Only legendary hand cannons should have the range they had before 2.0, remove the accuracy buff on last word that it got from the last patch, and keep thorn as is. Auto rifle sounds fine, stop making them into this retarded "close range menace" nonsense they want them to be so bad, autos will never be good at close range, and since they cant ever be they are never in optimal range. Do not give pulse's their damage back before 2.0, keep it as it is now, they're so balanced now. Give scouts more ammo in the magazine and buff medium rate of fire damage to make any combination of 4 shots to on some one to kill (aka make 4 body shots kill or 3 bodies and 1 head, etc). Nerf faster rate of fire scouts, killing in the same head shots as medium rate of fire ones makes medium rof ones pointless. Make high impact scouts able to 2 shot with low armor.