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Edited by mus: 8/28/2016 3:09:20 PM

Buff primary weapons

It's time to buff primary weapons. They need to be the best weapons in the game, at this point in the game primaries have been nerfed so many times that you'll be better off running around with a shotgun all game. Hand canons and auto rifles don't have enough range to challenge any snipers. Weapons (minus hand canons) can't kill fast enough to counter shotgunners (especially in a meta where thunder strike/juggernaut/force barrier are very common). In the next patch some things need to be done about primaries. NO MORE NERFS. We are done with those. [b][u]-give hand canons back the accuracy they had before 2.0 -give pulse rifles back their damage they had before 2.0 -give auto rifles back their damage they had in vanilla -scouts may stay the same, they were always inferior to hand hand canons except at long distance. [/u][/b] Bump if you agree. Edit: here is what I predict will be nerfed because we all know the word "buff" is not in bungie's dictionary. -Grasp of Malik archetype damage nerfed to 19 headshot, less range -Medium impact hand canons bloom mechanic intensified, they're being used too much -increased control will not provide Titans with significant lateral movement speed anymore, Titans were never meant to be so fast, it's not how we want you to play the game -blink strike lunge distance nerfed, we find blade dancer had increased usage since the last patch -the hawksaw archetype of pulse rifles will be removed, all weapons in this archetype will be transformed into the slightly slower firing archetype (nirwens). We thought it wasn't fair that nirwens took the same amount of shots to kill as the hawksaw, but shot slower. ........ Add to the list of things Bungie will nerf

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  • Bump

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  • Bump

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  • Don't forget fusion rifles and sidearms. They need buffs.

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    13 Replies
    • BumpBumpBump it up.

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    • Oh I'm all for buffing the shit out of things. But a couple of your points are a bit wayward. Pulse rifle damage now is near perfect. The faster firing pulses, Grasp of Malok, Oversoul edict can kill so quick, that if you increase their damage, this is all people would use. The low rate of fire guns such as Spare change and Lyudmila are capable of a two shot kill, but take too long, so I would simple speed up the rate of fire just a tad to make them competitive. Medium to low rate of fire Auto rifles need a slight damage boost to bring them inline with the faster firing pulse rifles. But I think the range is fine, they shouldn't be able to counter a sniper though, not should Handcannons. Hand cannons need that accuracy back and maybe a slight boost range, but damage wise they seem ok.

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    • Agree! Buff primaries in general! Great idea. I hate being unable to kill a rushing shotgunner. Bump!

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    • If pulse rifles get buffed (excluding high impact ones), it'll be thorn in year 1 all over again!

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    • I think primary weapons are in a good place right now. They all feel for for different roles, but equally powerful.

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    • Shouldn't scouts only be the one to challenge snipers?

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      2 Replies
      • Just fix autos and cannons for pve. Screw the pvp meta.

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        1 Reply
        • It's nice to see a buff post, but I think they're ok. If my OG hung jury was any better it would be too easy!

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          3 Replies
          • I actually like the current primary balance. Each weapon type has a competitive option, and the ttk is high enough to encourage team play and give the ability to have counter play. I still think specials are what's throwing things off. I don't think primaries are too weak, but that specials are too strong; if you get what I'm saying.

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          • Pulses are fine really. They're the most powerful right now. Autos DEFF need a buff they're too weak & hc's are so inaccurate. Scouts are scouts. I can't really think of what's weak off the top now but I know recently I saw something that wasn't right. The problem is.. And I always say this, is that Bungie's solution to every OP weapon is to nerf it to shyt to the point of no return! And on top of that, they nerf the ENTIRE WEAPON CLASS. Smh

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          • Bump

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          • The rounds that DO NOT register a.k.a ghost rounds piss me the hell off. Like why would they even implement that into the game? I hear it's on a lot of weapons after I discovered they were on hawk moon n TLW + other hc's.

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          • Tbh they need to half the carry capacity and lower the spawn rates (again, I know) of special ammo for PVP only. Secondaries should kill much faster than primaries, or there'd be no point to them. However, they're heavily abused because you have a select few who either camp at the spawn crates at the back of the map and load up on ammo (snipers) or they run around picking up ALL the map's crates (shotgun rushers). So you have a few ppl with a lot of ammo the entire match and the rest with none. If a sniper can only hold 5-6 shots and can only get more 2 times a match, there's be no more constant sniper lanes all match. If shotgunners only had 5-6 shells and could only refresh twice a match, they'd use their ammo more reactively than proactively, as they're intended to be used (BTW, Universal Remote completely goes against this philosophy that Bungie themselves have stated; as a primary, it let's someone constantly use a shotgun aggressively instead of reactively).

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          • I agree. Make everything strong as opposed to making everything (minus two or three things that research conducted by our team that is TOTALLY plausible shows are completely NOT OP) shoot cotton candy and sadness lol

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          • Bump MAKE EVER GUN beast mode!

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          • bump

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          • Autos in vanilla were machine guns 😂😂😂 you want that back 😰????

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            8 Replies
            • I just want my NL shadow to be able to be brought to Y2. Love that thing. Full auto with zen moment and high caliber rounds.

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              12 Replies
              • [spoiler]Made You Look[/spoiler]

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                • Small arms...titan buff?

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                • Edited by Erijian: 8/28/2016 3:59:48 AM
                  *WALL OF TEXT* Nah, primaries when compared to OTHER PRIMARIES are in the best place they've ever been in in regards to PvP balance. The only things underwhelming are high impact Pulse Rifles and Auto Rifles. Everything else fills a specific role, and have blatant disadvantages when attempted to be used outside of said role. I'd listen to an argument that claims MIDA, TLW, high RoF Pulse Rifles, and high RoF Auto Rifles are too consistent outside of their intended range though. The common thing with those weapons is that they're all fast firing and pretty forgiving because of that aspect. Also Bloom needs to go like you mentioned; RNG shouldn't decide whether you win or lose a gunfight..But we'd have to see if HandCannons start to overshadow Scout Rifles once again. Specials when compared to primaries are of course going to be stronger. The issue here is that Bungie has done a terrible job balancing special weapons in regards to the direction they're taking primary kill times; making them slower. Sniper Rifles can shoot twice before most primaries can kill, and can somewhat consistently ignore primary fire due to how flinch and reticule recentering works. They're also consistent in ranges outside of long range, going into the territory of Sidearms and Fusion Rifles. Shotguns are able to warrior a player before they can kill them almost all the time, BUT I personally find Shotties well-balanced as they have an intended range of use and can't be used outside of it to their full use. They appear to have consistency issues right now, though.. Anyway; most Fusion Rifles can charge up before a primary weapon can kill them, but suffer from projectile travel time at all ranges alongside bullet spread. There's also the issue of projectiles vanishing if you die mid-burst which is a blessing for the person on the receiving end, and a curse for those who like to use them. Sidearms are Sidearms and I have little to no experience with them..So yeah; if there's a Sidearm wizard out there that can teach me about Sidearms I'd love that. All I know is that they remind me of TLW in regards to kill time. How they should do these things, I have no clue. Either adjust the special weapons a bit and risk making them too niche, or buff primary weapons a bit and potentially throw off the balance of primaries yet again. Maybe both. [spoiler]Just my two Glimmer on the matter.[/spoiler]

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                  2 Replies
                  • Bump

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                  • Nerf fusion rifles got it

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