I know this post is long, but I would really appreciate it if you actually read it and tell me what you think.
I want to give the Fabian Strategy the benefit of the doubt. I can't, though. The gun was complete and utter trash when it was first released, and after its buff, ( and I can admit, it was a buff), the weapon is now just... trash. Not as bad, but not good either. Bungie really let titans as a whole down once again with a mediocre "exotic" and a sub-par if not also mediocre shotgun that is only usable with one subclass and one perk. TV makes it look good, but let's be real. He can make almost any gun look good. He himself had some trouble getting the gun to work well for him. The Fabian Strategy and it's Titan-only shotgun counterpart, The Immobius, is and will always be thousands of tiers below the other class exclusive weapons.
You have to admit. Ace of Spades and Stillpeircer: Amazing weapons with versatility. Tlaloc and Susanoo: Two weapons that increase gunplay and capability to a totally new level in PvP and PvE.
Then we have... *sniff*... The Fabian Strategy and the Immobius: a mediocre auto rifle that was so bad it needed to be buffed (which mind you, the buff still wasn't enough to bring it up to exotic levels) and a shotgun that can be only be used in one situation - in a bubble with armor of light on. The shotgun's stats are too low to use it like any other shotgun with good perks to back it up.
Once again, you have to admit, Titans were given the short end of the short end of the stick here.
I don't want to put up some half baked idea of what the perks of the gun should be or give it some overpowered perk that enrages the playerbase. I want Bungie to Set up some new perks for the rework, and ask the community what they think. As a whole we could come up with perks that can make the gun a true exotic.
Thanks for reading.
Agreed. It NEEDS improvement.