Seen it on here done numerous times in one single thread.
-When we talk about the terror these radical muslims are causing we are talking about the present, not the past. The crusades are completely irrelevent to what is going on now. Meanwhile Muslims are committing suicide bombings, beheadings, etc etc every single day across the globe. These things are a problem NOW, they are not events from the past like the cursades
-When you bring up how the Quran has over 100 verses in it encouraging Muslims to committ violent acts against non believers these apologists ALWAYS reply "Yeah well the bible blah blah". Can they not see that Christians arent out there committing acts of violence anymore than the average human being and obviously no where near the level of Muslims?
Also the irony in their rebuttal to the first point is that the Crusades were retaliation against the Muslims for prior invasions muslims did on christian lands but thats probably too much for these SJWs to digest
We have got to do something about our liberal problems
EDIT: We arent Trending! Keep it up guys
Edited by DontH8thaGravy: 8/23/2016 7:42:27 PMOriginally the crusades were to drive out the Muslims from the holy land but then the Christian king decided "hey not only will we drive them out, we'll go chase them to the far corners of the earth and commit atrocities and murder all Muslims and everyone who isn't a Christian ok?" I'm a Christian but I'm sorry, The crusades were an awful crime against humanity. Then some centuries later the ottomans and their Muslim king (who's name I do not remember) did the same thing so hey we're both guilty Edit: and yes the Muslims did invade the holy land but it was not necessary to hunt them down