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originally posted in: Buff primary weapons
8/28/2016 1:11:07 PM
Last word is a monster but it's harder to use than you think. Stop crying

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  • I have to agree. I tried it out and I honestly felt like I did better using my other Hand Cannons. It seems that if you really like Hand Cannons you fall into one of two camps with the Exotic Tex Mechanica Hand Cannons (The Last Word or The First Curse). I'm more of a First Curse user. Maybe if I take some time to get used to TLW again I might feel differently, or I might just be better off switching back to Thorn in year 3.

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  • It's actually easier to use than you say, it is the only full auto handcannon and is effected less by bloom, also bloom all together can be ignored completely if you shoot from the hip. That gun has never been bad. I don't use the last word , but when I do I put it away because why would I use a crutch when I got 2 working feet?

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  • Dude, are you actually mentally handicapped? Bloom is meant to affect hand cannons based on rate of fire and range... It effects the last word the harshest. Get out of here with your BS salt. The gun has always been one of the more difficult ones to use other than when in its intended range. It is not the best hand cannon in the game. Right now eyasaluna is. It has the most range and therefore is effected by bloom the least. I'll bet you think mida is completely balanced too.

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  • Lol even for a person who doesn't use last word I know more about it that you do, because of the fanfire perk even if you tap the trigger it still fires faster than all and sense you're not holding the trigger down you're not using it at its fastest fire rate, hence bloom doesn't affect it as much, also the increased aim assist and accuracy from the hip literally gives it less kick and throws Phantom bullets out the window. Now shush.

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  • Edited by AchillesLapsus: 8/28/2016 3:31:49 PM
    Use it then. The nerf to hip fire accuracy on hand cannons makes its perk near negligible. It isn't anywhere near as reliable as it once was. And because you don't use it, you actually have no clue what you're talking about. Even pulling the trigger then gun still suffers just as much as other hand cannons if not still more due to its lack of range. Now please, step aside and eat your own words.

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  • I do use it , but very rarley. I don't need it like you. It literally kicks less when shooting from the hip then ads. Stop trying to defend your crutch man, saying something is bad when it's obviously good makes you pathetic, agian hush, let the adults have thier conversation.

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  • Everyone in this thread disagrees with you... And what crutch? I have a higher kdr than you and more kills with more weapon types excluding scouts because I find them highly boring. I find the last word to be more fun to use than all the other guns. And just because the gun is more stable while firing from the hip does not make it more accurate. It's still Hip fire. They still nerfed hand cannon accuracy harshly. Please, try again.

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  • Psst wanna know why you have a higher kdr....last "no skill " word, and not everybody disagrees. Do you just like to make stuff up as you go?

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  • Learn to read dude. The only one making stuff up is you. Clearly you have no skill with the last word. That's the only reason I can think of why you would dislike it so much. Btw, I have 50k kills in the crucible. Spoiler: they aren't all with the last word. I use other primaries. You may be surprised to hear this but it isn't actually a god gun and not the best option on every map.

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  • Yah done yet? You done defending a top 3 most used gun since the launch of the game and calling balanced? Also looked at your stats, you should be ashamed of how many last word kills you have, you have no right to talk

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  • Haha, ashamed? I'm proud. It isn't balanced. Right now it's unbalanced. Hand cannons, especially the last word, are in a pathetic place. The gun has been overly nerfed and the only thing saving it from being shelled by the entire populace... Because it isn't the most used hand cannon right now... Once again, it's eyasaluna, is its fire rate and reload speed. And I'd say my use of it enables me much of a right to talk about its current state than someone who hardly ever uses the damn thing. I mean are you done trying, and failing mind you, to say that it's an over powered weapon in need of even further nerfs? If anyone should be ashamed it's you.

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  • Shhhh I know you suck without your crutch no need to get mad , also you reply instantly, don't you work or got to school, like damn

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  • Edited by AchillesLapsus: 8/29/2016 11:41:32 PM
    Dude, you started this shit on the weekend. Right now it's 6 o' clock. Work is over for most. You are reeeeeeeeaaaaallllly desperate to be relevant in this discussion and failing miserably. Once again, I have more kills with more weapon types than you do... I do not need the last word to do well. Right about now using it puts you at a disadvantage. I mean, try harder please. Your actual lack of intelligence is amusing hahaha.

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  • Wow so many people defending the best handcannon in the game, who would've known?! Whatever, the gun is easy mode and y'all know it. Probably the same type of people that would go universal remote sniper instead of nlb shotgun.

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  • "I don't use the last word " Your point is invalid.

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  • Edited by CarneAsadaMilk: 8/28/2016 1:30:29 PM
    It's an incredibly easy weapon to use, stop pretending like it's bad. There's a reason it remains one of the top used primaries despite multiple nerf. Don't clown on people saying their point is invalid just because they don't use it when you've only got 3000 kills with it. He's got 200 less kills with it than you do. C'mon.

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  • I tried it out and I honestly felt like I did better using my other Hand Cannons. It seems that if you really like Hand Cannons you fall into one of two camps with the Exotic Tex Mechanica Hand Cannons (The Last Word or The First Curse). I'm more of a First Curse user. Maybe if I take some time to get used to TLW again I might feel differently, or I might just be better off switching back to Thorn in year 3. In other words it isn't the equip and own weapon that people like you try to make it out to be, unlike say Hawksaw. If you say you don't use something your comment immediate becomes invalid, even if he had more kills then me with it his opinion still would have been invalid to me. Just because a weapon is popular doesn't make it OP.

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