It's already been nerfed to the ground and removed the best part of the perk
Just because a gun beats u doesn't make it op
just like viking funeral. in the patch notes when it was changed. bungie said it was changed to stop fustrating encounters. meaning bungie didn't have a actual reason to change it, they only did it because people wouldnt stop complaining. but either way its a great pve perk now. but radiant skin could use a pve buff imo.
Hmm never said it was op, also nerf to the ground means what they did to mrof pulse rifles (red death archetype ) you just don't see them, last word is the strongest handcannon in the game though, it shouldn't be able to out gun me when I have the first curse at medium range and I have to pace my shots because of Phantom bullets and they don't. It's no secret high rate of fire primaries are better, look at pulse rifles, autorifles, and the only full auto handcannon