Bramd - old
Really? *His smile grows wider under his mask* That would be great! -
"Yes mortar"says serenity [i]she smiles at him[/i]
Bramd - old
Aw, thank you Serenity! *He walks up to her and hugs her* -
"Your welcome mortar" says serenity [i]she hugs him back[/i]
Bramd - old
*After a moment he steps back* I guess we should go with the others? -
"Yeah i guess we should "says serenity [i]she walks out of her room and waits for him to follow[/i]
Bramd - old
*Mortar follows behind her, his smile much wider than normal under his mask* -
[i]she walks back towards the front and talath is laying down in his dragon form still as all four climb all over him.[/i]
Bramd - old
*Mortar chuckles slightly* Ya like being a jungle gym? -
"Its not that bad as long as they dont poke me in the eye."says talath [i]leyla just chuckles as the kids are scrambling all over his head at the moment[/i] "So what were you two up too"says leyla [i]she grinning as she looks at them[/i]
Bramd - old
Ah not much. *Mortar nods to Serenity* -
"Hmm i see. Wellim gonna take these guys for a flight so they can burn off some of that energy and possibly tucker themselves out. you can just chill serenity. me and talath can handle them "says leyla [i]all four of them transform they definitely alot bigger than when mortar saw them last then leyla transforms as they all take to the sky [/i] "We'll be back in a little while"says leyla [i]she takes off as well after them and their all flying around talath at the moment as they wait for leyla[/i]
Bramd - old
*Mortar sighs* They definitely have grown a lot, that's for sure. -
"Yes they have"says serenity [i]she watches them fly off farther up[/i] "Im surprised on how quickly they grew i remember how small they were originally."says serenity
Bramd - old
Yeah, me too. *He sighs a little* Hey, uh, can I ask you a question? What... Happened after I died? What did I miss out on? -
"Not much really just couple new people showed up. The weirdest one though is how Sylvie was found. She has no memories of her past at all but she can only remember is her name and rhat she came from space. I have no clue how old she is but shes definitely strange. "says serenity
Bramd - old
I think I was here for when Sylvie came. She and Mia helped me out in the fight against the Imps and demons. -
"Well thats good then but the weird thing is that whatever plant life she touches will grow "says serenity
Bramd - old
That's pretty cool. I think I knew someone who could do something like that, her name was Flora, and she had a small plant kingdom. If you've ever watched the old batman movies, she kinda looked like Poison Ivy. -
"Yeah i have but there's one thing that weirds me out a little bit her tattoos glow whenever she use that power though im not sure if seen it or not but she'll glow"says serenity
Bramd - old
That I have actually seen. But not on her. The sword tattoo on my back glows slightly when I form my blade. Though glowing to form plants... That's new. -
"She got them almost all over her body and their such a strange design. I have seen her bring plants back to life too. I asked one time how she does that and she said it was part of her that it can't be taught"says serenity
Bramd - old
Hmm... Like my abilities. They can't really be taught to another being. They are just abilities only one person can have. -
"It just makes wonder what she was like before she lost her memories"says serenity
Bramd - old
Well Cyan told me something about her, being part of a Royal family?