There is a reason why the secondary weapons are called "special" because they are better
Special isn't always better. Specials are intended to be better for certain [b]special[/b] occasions, but inferior in others.
There's a reason you have "swag" in your name and it's because you're an idiot
They're called special because you should want to use them in a special set of circumstances. If they were actually meant to be better we wouldn't have had the amount of ammo we had for them in Y1. Primaries should be used primarily, specials should have a niche. Special ammo should not be rare, the times when it's better to use a special as compared to a primary should be.
They are better in a specific situation
Well they shouldnt allow special weapons to be used as primary then. Make them spawn with 2 magz and that should be it. One special ammo per game and one heavy. Then they will be "special".