the thing is, it may be good thing to keep PvP at around a 1.0kd ratio for each weapon, but in PvE it makes killing enemies take more ammo and with the decrease in overall ammo held and the bullet sponge boss fights it is killing the PvE side of the game.
the ratio for kills should be closer to (based on rate of fire and weapon base):
primaries - 0.75 kd to 1.5 kd depending on weapon type, the highest being autos then pulse then scout then hand cannon.
specials - 0.5 kd to 0.7 kd depending on weapon type shotgun then fusion rifle then sniper.
heavies - 0.5 kd to 0.7 kd machien gun then rocket launcher then sword.
this would keep the weapon ballance better for everyone not just for the sniper players.
PvE has always been a cakewalk though? The enemies die faster than they did in Halo...