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Edited by Mr BritishFace: 8/28/2016 6:56:57 PM

Taken King PS exclusives NOT coming to Xbox with Rise of Iron?!

I've just watched the linked video by Briar Rabbit, who discusses an investigation made by a member of the Destiny community who has uncovered that the PlayStation exclusives for the Taken King, including Sector 618, the Jade Rabbit, the Zen Meteor, and other exclusive content will NOT be coming to Xbox players with the Rise of Iron. The investigator in question has discovered that the exclusives highlighted in the marketing for Destiny the Collection for the PS4 is identical to that of the exclusives for the Taken King. Also, on the destinygame website, the Sector 618 map is listed as exclusive until fall 2017. It goes without saying that this is a saddening development, as Xbox players recieved the year one exclusives, such as the Hawkmoon, Fourth Horseman, Monte Carlos, the Dust Palace, the Undying Mind and all other year one exclusive content with the Taken King. It is frankly unfair that we have to wait a full year before getting access to this content, and now we are being made to wait for two years for the next list of exclusives. This makes Xbox players feel as if we are being scammed as we are only getting access to most of a game while we paid for the whole package. Not to mention that players have been waiting for the Fate of All Fools since we heard about it. After a full year, PlayStation players received the Jade Rabbit; the spiritual successor to the Fate of All Fools, while Xbox players now have to wait an additional two years on top of that?! No, this is not fair. This is a downright insult to Destiny's Xbox player base. Bungie, do you really think that keeping content from a huge chunk of your consumers is a good idea? I don't think so, especially considering that we payed the same amount as PlayStation players but we get only part of a game. The only thing that this will achieve is resentment between the two halves of your player base. I understand that you need to make exclusive content due to the contracts that you have with Sony, but don't make the exclusive content game changing items or missions. A simple solution would be to make exclusive cosmetics, such as shaders, emblems and ornaments, as well as ships and sparrows. Weapons, armour, strikes and quests are too huge to deny to half of your player base, which is why we feel scammed when such huge pieces of content are kept from us. Please give Xbox players access to the Taken King PlayStation exclusives with the Rise of Iron. It isn't right to give half of your players content two years after the other half got it. Besides, a whole year is too long for content to remain exclusive. A few months would be much more reasonable and would create much less resentment between the PlayStation and Xbox players. I, along with the majority of the Destiny community, are shocked by the details highlighted by this user's research and we expected better from you. I hope that you prove this research wrong.

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  • Yeah, I was (and still am) really mad when I found out that a month or 2 before Rise of Iron launched, that it is 2 years for the taken king exclusives all of a sudden. It's quite shady because they told us 1 year before and then they change it with no explanation (except that Activision "and stuff" was what made them make exclusive content to begin with).

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  • It makes it difficult to support a game when the makers limit half their player base. The end result is that the game will suffer, and we will all lose out in the long term. Why would players spend money on a game that actively limits them? No one likes exclusives - they are just made to support a dying profit model. Yes tomb raider came to xbox a year before ps4 - but the makers of the game lost out on so much more - in the end... no one wins.

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    1 Reply
    • I won't be getting Destiny 2 coz of this exclusivity crap.

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      6 Replies
      • Yay I don't need no exotic shards anyway cause those weapons would get dismantled , and that one crucible map is crap anyway thank you Sony for paying out the ass pocket for that extra garbage . oh all most forgot that lame strike also . 🐴 💩 exclusives ...…..

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      • I think Xbox players should speak with their wallets. Refuse to buy RoI and any other DLCs/sequels Destiny releases. See how much changes when nearly half of the income for Destiny's further sales isn't hitting their bank account. As for the valiant defenders of this decision on here commenting, your egocentrism is shining brightly right now, and I'd wager the vast majority of you are PS4 owners who don't care because they can't empathize with anything outside their own selfish bubbles, and/or they're too entrenched in this "console war" BS to see that this exclusives crap as a whole does nothing but hurt us players/consumers while overfilling the pockets of the ones hurting us with their back-alley deals. I'd also like to note that what the OP said in a later reply is very true (paraphrasing): people who fervently defend any and all actions of these developers, or are merely indifferent or try to demonize those who bring up valid points that need to be addressed, only enable stagnation where making a game better is concerned. Constructive criticism, and bringing to light deplorable business models, is what keeps the business on its toes and makes for better gaming experiences overall.

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        5 Replies
        • I personally find red licorice to be delicious.

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        • This might help for every ghost hunter out there

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          2 Replies
          • It's okay, Playstation users will just tell you it's fair and you'll have to wait until the life cycle of Destiny 1 for the content. Because logic. Because principles.

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            15 Replies
            • Old news, we've moved on. Come...join us.

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            • It really amazes me how this topic has been going on for weeks and there are [u]still[/u] people unaware of the situation. I know some players don't live on the forums, but it still surprises me how many clueless Xbox players are out there.

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              • Too bad it was Activision decision in the end. But keep barking up the wrong tree and see how far it gets you.

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              • Old news

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              • [quote]at least fall of 2016[/quote] [b][i][u]AT LEAST[/u][/i][/b]

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              • You're a little late to the party. A thousand other petulant children have already created posts whining about this. 2 guns and a strike might be held back a little longer and entitled children everywhere lose their minds and wet themselves. SMH

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                10 Replies
                • Yeah I'm pretty sure it's bungies choice, so they know they could make shaders and sparrows (even though kids would still complain) but they choose not too , or maybe it's stated etc. But either way it's just a game get over it you'll be gone by the time it gets to your console anyways

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                • Old news, OP

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                • Edited by dance4carrot: 8/29/2016 8:38:33 AM
                  They won't change it. You are wasting your breath. It annoyed me too, but bottom line is bungie don't give a **** about anyone, only $$. Sony payed for the extras. You have a choice whether to continue playing.

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                • muted for banging on about shité

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                  2 Replies
                  • All it is 2 exotic weapons with zen meteor being shit and a shit strike and a terrible pvp map. Is it really worth complaining about that many exclusives?

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                    4 Replies
                    • Xbox has legends in fifa,PSN will never get them. Your exclusive crap is invalid and nothing will change so get over it.

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