In case you haven't heard, Year 2 PlayStation timed exclusives like Jade Rabbit and the Zen Meteor are staying locked... Possibly for another entire year. What's the point of even releasing them on Xbox at all? By the time they come to Xbox, Destiny 2 will more than likely be out. Look, I'm all for timed exclusives that give people an incentive to buy the game on a particular console. However, keeping the content locked for 2 years just doesn't make any sense (at least to me). 30 days or a few months maybe, but a year? TWO YEARS??? The exclusive content may not be all that great, but I would at least like the opportunity to try it out while it's still relevant.
Thoughts on Timed Exclusives?
If Bungie/Activision is going to screw Xbox One players . . . again . . . at least give us the courtesy of transparency by telling us why. And as it may show, timed exclusives are bull. One side pays the same amount for less, and in the case of year 3, Xbox One players have to wait another year for year 2 content. A dev response would be welcoming at this point, but I doubt Bungie will or are allowed to because Activision has a rope tied around their nuts.