> I was only 42069 years old
> I loved Wehb so much, I owned all the shitposts and copy pastas
> I pray to Wehb every night, thanking him for the life I have been given
> "Wehb is cringe", I say, "Wehb is shit"
> My ninja hears me and calls me an edgelord
> He is obviously jealous of my devotion to Wehb
> I call him a shitlord
> He slaps me and sends me to my room
> I am crying now, because my face hurts
> I go onto Bungie.net and it is very cold
> I feel a warmth moving towards me
> I feel something touch me
> It's Wehb
> I am so happy he whispers into my ear, "This is my forum"
> He grabs me with his powerful edgelord hands and puts me on my hands and knees
> I'm ready
> I spread my thread for Wehb
> He shitposts my thread
> It hurts so much, but I do it for Wehb
> I can feel my thread getting banned as my eyes start to water
> I push against his force
> I want to please Wehb
> He roars a mighty roar as he fills my thread with his cringe
> My ninja walks in
> Wehb looks him deep in the eyes and says, "It's all cringe now"
> Wehb leaves through my window
> Wehb is cringe, Wehb is shit
I'm 99% sure you'll be banned for this but I liked it