originally posted in:Heat 0f Battle
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Written by SmartAurum75 and HOBSatyr76
Toland led the team across the bridge. They were going what was once Crota’s crystal chamber. He looked to Hemera. “Ever heard of Malok?” Toland said. Hemera shook her head. Toland looked at her surprised. “Big scary Taken Prince. Really a nuisance. He's been running the show down here since Crota fell. I really hope his plan to kill the Speaker fails. I want to be the one that sees the light leave that dictator’s body. Malok can kill Hideo for all I care.” Toland took out his Nechrochasm. He aimed it at the doors to the crystal chamber.
“He really is mad isn't he?” Alan said. Tellectus looked at him in disgust. “What? I just want New Monarchy’s loot.” He said. “Sorry.” Tellectus put her sword back into fighting position. “Loot is all you care about Alan. I hope you die a looty death.” Tellectus told him. “OOH same here loot. It’s really nice isn’t it.” Alan said. Hemera thought to herself: ‘He's the only mad one here.’
As the team walked through the Crystal chamber door, Erax felt the Darkness yet again. “Taken!” He yelled. The others readied their weapons and Erax got up from crouching. A TAKEN SWORDBEARER appeared holding an Ascendant sword. Malok teleported onto Crota’s pedestal. Toland saw it and screamed. “NOOOOO. NOT AGAIN!” He fired his Nechrochasm. “Well don't just stand there! Someone get the sword!” Hemera turned Invisible and ran to the Swordbearer. Toland fired his Nechrochasm at the swordbearer and it died. Erax ran outside to the left with Alec. They fired their primaries at Malok. On the right, Tellectus and Toland fired rockets at Malok. “DOWN HIM!” Toland screeched.
Malok let a Darkness blast flew out of his skull. It hit Saladin. He was slowed. But he rushed at the Boomers with his Axe. They were succeeding until one of the Boomer dropped an Exotic Engram when it died. Alan ran towards it. As he picked it up, Malok fired. It hit him straight in the head. Alan fell to his knees. He was Burning to death. For an Engram. “SWEET! PRRRRRECIOUS! LOOOOOT!” Alan screamed in pain. His armor was melting. Then he collapsed. He had died.
The Oversoul lit with green fire, wind flew through the chamber. It was happening again. Just as the Oversoul drank the life out of Toland, Malok screamed. His legs were being chopped off by Hemera. The Oversoul stopped. It was left with a dilemma. Heal Malok or kill the Guardians. Saladin jumped down to Alan's body. It was still speaking. ‘sweeeet… PRRRRRECIOUS… luuuute….’ Saladin saw Alan's Ghost. He picked it up. “Please let this work!” Saladin said quietly. Malok and Hemera were engaged in a sword fight. One in which only Hemera had a sword. Then the sword exploded. Hemera flew back into the wall. She fell to the ground. “GUARDIAN DOWN!” Hemera’s Ghost shrieked. Malok began to heal. Erax ran to Hemera’s corpse. He fought off the savage thrall. Saladin whacked away at Malok. The Oversoul suddenly lit up again. Hemera was dead. The Guardians ran back into the chamber and took out their swords. They blocked the Oversoul gaze. It deflected back at Malok. He fell to his knees. Then he gasped. A massive Raze Lighter sat in his chest. Exypnos. She had killed Malok. Variks transmatted in and whacked the Taken surrounding Malok with his staff. Alan and Hemera began to rise. They were becoming Taken.
“Aww Shoooot!” Exypnos said. Taken Alan shot at Exypnos with his Taken Longbow. Exypnos had taken the bullet to her heart. Taken Hemera was tearing away the layer of Darkness on her body. She wasn't going to let the Darkness take her. Hemera ran at Alan. She stabbed him in the chest. He died. Temporarily. Hemera was Taken but she was still a child of the Light. Everyone ran to Exypnos’ body.
Was she dead? Was she alive?
ONLY YOU CAN DECIDE! PUT IN YOUR VOTE BY SEPTEMBER 1st 2016 AND HER FATE WILL BE REVEALED IN EPISODE 12! Put #Exypnos Dies if you want her to die or #Exypnos Lives for her to live
*Why not episode 11 you ask? Because Episode 11 is about Prince Uldren!
#exypnos lives