So I tried to login to destiny on 8/22/2016 and found that my game will not boot up past the connecting screen. The screen that I get stuck on is the one after the opening screen with the dark picture of Oryx.
*on XboxOne:
=>=>Open game, dark screen with large shot of Oryx and Destiny title across center screen=> Bungie screen where music begins=>Destiny "The Taken King" screen with "PRESS A TO PLAY"=> I press A and then the same screen stays with the icon in lower right corner with "connecting". This is where the game stays for up to 30 minutes (that is longest that I have waited before shutting it down)<=<=
I have tried the microsoft 15-step help path where I attempted procedures such as: uninstall and re-install game, clear cache, check disk for defects, etc. None of these processes have worked with the exception of completely wiping the game which I would hate to do.
I had my brother-in-law sign into my account from his xbox one and he was able to access all game content and actually managed to get me a new shotgun (very cool), except I can't use it on my console.
The game also seems to still be comunicating with the official Destiny app as well as the Ishtar app. I think this because after my Bro-in-law played and got the shotgun, it showed up in my profile on the apps.
All other games on my console are working just fine. The "saved data" under my destiny game is empty, but has content for all of my other games. I hope that this is enough information... I would appreciate any help.
So to be clear, you've completely uninstalled and re-installed Destiny and all expansions on your console?