[i]UPDATE: I just want to thank everyone for contributing to this conversation and for sharing their own experiences and knowledge. I have learned a ton already, and am glad that our community can have constructive, open conversations like this. I just want to say that I am doing my best to keep up with replies; however, I am in very poor health and it is very hard to maintain the pace that this conversation has. Please know that I will read everything as quickly as I can, but I encourage all of you to continue sharing and offering input actively, as it is truly a great thing for us to come together and talk about the game we love and dedicate much of our time and energy to. Thank you all.[/i]
I don't really know why I am posting this, but after three games today with a k/d of below 0.30, I have lost all shame and dignity.
A lot of people think that SBMM (skill-based matchmaking) only hurts the most talented players, as it pits them against other very skilled players, making every match a chore and ultra "sweaty."
I am a lower-skilled PvP player, and I have come to realize that SBMM is really hurting my Destiny experience as well. The thing is, my best friends are all quite skilled in the Crucible, so, it hit me today in a bout of loneliness that I was avoiding my friends, because:
If I play with a group of my friends, their great stats are a major matchmaking factor used when finding opponents for us to play against. That said, playing with my very best friends ultimately means a few things:
I will get destroyed. (And) We are likely to lose when I go 2 and 15 and single-handedly cost my team of friends the game.
So, as a result, i have been avoiding doing my favorite thing--playing Destiny PvP--with my very closest friends, which SUCKS.
This is hopefully a little food for thought for those in support of SBMM to unsuccessfully make playing crucible as a lesser-skilled player more enjoyable (i.e. easier).
Sorry for the lengthiness.
Disagree. If you're that bad (K/D ==0.3) then SBMM isn't your problem, and CBMM isn't the answer. Because if the game went to a CBMM scheme, you would still spend the vast majority of your time playing against people who are significantly better than you. You'd still perform poorly, and you'd still (no disrespect intended) be a liability to any team that is trying hard to win. What SBSMM does---for a player like you---is LOWER the barriers to enterning the game....and acquiring the skill to play it. With SBMM you are matched against players who are of a similar skill level as yourself. SO THE GAME UNFOLDS MORE SLOWLY....and people are less likely to fight their way out of bad decisions based on raw twitch speed, or having lots of experience. So you have a chance to come to understand the game you're playing. See what are good decisions....because you get rewarded with kills. See what are bad decisions...because they get you killed. So you start to learn and you get better. Then the game gets you better opponents...and the process goes on. You get to experience some success and you get better incrementally. Without any SBMM, you'd likely get thrown in with me. I'm currently averaging about a 1.25 K/D in my matches these days....even allowing for SBMM....which makes me about a top 20% player in PVP. But even at that level of the game, I'm going to move too fast, and make decisions too fast for you to keep up with. I'm going to be able to anticipate what are actually good decisions on your part....because I've seen them hundreds or thousands of times before. So there's a good chance you'll end up dead, even though you've done the "right" thing. God forbid you get thrown in with the ELITE PvPers. Because at THAT level of the game you're going to be basically helpless. Those guys are so fast, shoot so precisely, and make decisions so quickly that you will have difficult time even understanding what's happening. You'll be like a Little League baseball player who's stepped into the batter's box with a Cy Young Award Winning Major League Pitcher. You will not get better in a situation like that. You will not have fun. That is a recipie for humiliation and frustration on a CONTINUAL basis....and a player like yourself being forced to eventually quit. Trust me. I went through something similar to that trying to learn how to play Battlefield 4 two years ago. ....and after two days of dying to people who seemed to literally spring up out of the ground around me, and not being able to figure out what I was doing wrong that kept getting me killed.... I finally said F-it, and quit. ...and those people you never get to hear complaining bout CBMM. You just get to hear the players who had "fun" running those people out, arguing in favor of letting them get their shit-stomping in.
its a hard concept but once you understand the fact that this is a game, and realize that its okay to be bad at first. then your on your way to learning the basics of pvp. im by no means good or great but iv been were you were. dying from spawn, having little to no reaction times. what i ended up doing was to try and just have fun reguardless of how good or bad i did or do. second was to learn each map and pin down all the traffic lanes and choke points. next step was finding what guns suited me best that i had the most fun with. from there your foundations are built and the rest just comes naturally. good luck in your endevours, and always remember. if youre haveing fun, youre allready winning. cheers.
It's not the games fault that you suck, it's yours. Shut up and stop whining, all you have to do is try, practice, work hard. That's how you get better. You learn from others that play better than you, you learn from your mistakes. If you're relying on matchmaking to put you up against an easy team then you're just wasting your time. Don't play pvp at all then.
All they need to do is make a social and ranked playlist like halo had.. It's such an easy fix.
I think the best thing for you will be private matches then. Because at the very least it allows you to play with friends without the worry of hindering your team. But I'd say in a more relaxed environment with your friends, it allows you to practice your PvP skills, they can ease off as its not as sweaty and can experiment with loadouts. Whilst you get a feel for PvP tactics that they can teach
I feel you. When they want to win at iron banner some of my sweaty friends make me the leader lol.
SBMM v CBMM is an interesting topic and you provide a good point. I'm average at best but hold my own pretty well in PVP and I find the most frustrating thing is that one game my bullets work well and kill as intended and the next game (in the same lobby with the same people) I can't kill someone to save myself. Whether or not they are skilled is not as much of the issue (I'm used to having my head ripped by seriously good pvper's in trials) but I just wish there was more consistently wth the connection from game to game. The problem with connection based matchmaking is that my friends close to me have the worst connections and the most lag in pvp because they are limited by access to good quality of Internet in Australia and family accessing their internet simultaneously. Yet I can play with friends in the US and we have no issue. So yeh? Obviously dedicated servers is what I'm searching for...
Hey, I am worse than you by a long chalk and know the feeling of playing with my clan, all much better than me, whose stats mean I get put in matches in which I get crushed. But we don't improve unless we play better players and, although I'm bottom of the pile 99.9% of the time, they don't complain. I suppose I supply light relief by not taking it too seriously, I get loads of assists, if it's control I capture more than anyone else and they know I'm not dying deliberately. There are reasons I'm not very good but it's a game and as long as people treat it as such, nobody cares. I usually go 0.10 - 0.40 range and I get angry with myself but when they're running at 3.5 - 4.5 you just know you can't compete so, try not to die too often, sit back and admire the team and take satisfaction in small steps. Happy gaming?!
Play have fun. When it starts to be a chore instead of entertainment, move to something else. I rather play with friends and do absolutely horrible than play solo and do well. I enjoy talking to them and doing random shit to their body as well.
SBMM is an awful concept for general matchmaking and games. I like the idea of a ranked playlist that integrates SBMM, but it should be entirely separate from the regular playlists.
Edited by KimHasselager: 9/1/2016 6:33:36 AMI suggest you go play alone and practise for 250hours on learning the maps, sniping and much more... by doing it over and over, you should get a lot better... take it slow, do not rush forward etc.
My stats are average, and 80% of the time every game is sweaty as fuk. When my friend plays that is horrible at PVP and we play together we have found that he gets wrecked and is always at the bottom of the leader board. While I'm 90% of the time at the top doing very well. I don't always wreck when playing with him but never go negative and each game is way way more enjoyable to play.
The game is extra sweaty ATM and I think the pop is low except the hard core. However, keep in mind assists help your score a ton so just trail a buddy and make sure you at least get a shot in and you're helping the team.
Edited by wicked: 9/1/2016 5:10:53 AMI used to be that guy who could not get one single kill in Pvp I couldnt think and act according to the situation as quickly as others its a good system for learning how to play against differnt types of teams how to adapt to the situation after I learned how to counter anyones weapons i did great I've always been a Pvper being cod or battlefield I did it all but destiny has that one thing a Pvper needs and that's improvement it's how u learn after I learned to react and counter I've been flawless 5 times Its all persistence trial and error baby no matter what way they do it it all about how u handle it now Red bars are a joke and a hole nother story and u can't control the situation that's what they need to fix i report every true red bar I find but nothing ever changes that should be there main focus on Pvp not buffs and nerfs
dont give up mate! Keep on going. You will get there!
For anyone interested I am doing a raffle for followers on twitch every Friday at 10pm cst for a free rise of iron preorder and or cash value if already ordered. www.Twitch.tv/wrinkledcabals thanks for your time!
Most lobbies I'm thrown into are pretty ridiculous, and I'm not even very good at the game.
A tip for people with no thumbs for pvp..fallow the guy/girl on top of your teams leader board.watch what they do..don't not back straight up..strafe when shooting..and finally by default you should get at least 1-2 kills with your super or grenades.
I have just played 8 rift match and all 8 games have been one sided with me on the losing this matchmaking sucks
You are absolutely right. Call of Duty has always had the best matchmaking experience. Purely connection based, all different skill levels. As you improve, you play better and have better stats and have something to show for it. SBMM works in a game like Halo with visible in-game skill levels, but it has no business in Destiny. Bungie has no idea what they are doing.
As long as people keep playing pvp in Destiny, sbmm will stay. Bungie have invested too much time and money in their efforts in it, not to get rid of it. I stopped playing pvp about 5 months ago, mainly because of the frustration due to lag and being matched with players thousands of miles from me.
Notice all the discussion on the topic but no reply from bungie to address something we have brought up several times.....
Do you play with a friend that has a higher skill level? My friend has a .75 k/d and I have about a 2.00 The SBMM makes it impossible for us to play together in Crucible because the gap in his skill versus the players I go against makes it frustrating for him. I don't think going less than a .5 k/d and basically feeling like a giant anchor is a fun feeling for him.
I made a new PS account a few months ago, to play around and have some fun with, but also to see where my "skill level" was at, compared to "lower skilled" players. I go straight into the crucible at rank 3 with the white Calcutta sniper and white handcannon (the first stuff the hunter gets) and no heavy, not unlocked yet and offcourse an totally un-upgraded subclass. My first 5 games i completely wrecked the opposition who had better weapons (legendaries etc) and most of them where around level 20-30. After a few more games i started to get matched up with level 40 players with fully maxed exotic weapons armour etc, and by my 10'th game in total my Kd was now around 1.6 - 2.0 (mostly because i was playing in a lower skilled pool then i am used to, my main Kd not even great btw, like 1.12) and i was now matching up with fully leveled sweaty players!! I even got matched up with a friend of mine (on my friends list on my main acc) which i KNOW FOR A FACT is a good player.. Its redicilous, here i am with my white weapons, level 15 or whatnot, getting constantly matched up against sweaties whit shottys, last words and the whole shabangabang!! Like give me a break, my character is obviously not ready for that, just because my Kd was good, my loadout and un-upgraded subclass is not ready for that after like 10 games of crucible.. This to me is the biggest proof of why SBMM is COMPLETELY AIDS and should be removed..