This police brutality is unacceptable. Check m8 atheists.
Looks like he's fighting back to me. #onlyfunnyinthiscontext
Good for him [spoiler]TRIGGERED[/spoiler]
Well played m8 Great b- *checkmate* (•__• )
Why'd you mention atheists?
How many moves.....?
Edited by Triv: 8/31/2016 10:23:13 PMThese shitposts get more numerous by the second.
This deserves an up vote
Edited by Delta7score: 9/2/2016 9:12:49 PM
Have you ever noticed white always goes first in chess? Checkm8 creationists
[b][u][i][url=]link[/url][/i][/u][/b][spoiler][quote][quote][quote][quote][b] [/b][/quote][/quote][/quote][/quote][/spoiler]
Even if this was for real, i wouldnt be suprised.
I don't care if this joke is original or not, I just think the picture is genuinely funny. :P
Can't see pic -_-
The bait is strong in this one
This is bullshit... He should've moved his rook to h7...
This is actually nice to see :3
BLM for life [spoiler]Jk lol u got pranked[/spoiler]
Hilarious and original
Camels have humps made of fat that also double as refrigerators
Top tier b8. I r8 8/8.
Ok so we just take fp posts from imgur now....thats what offtopic is now. Cool
They're skin determined what color they player
Edited by Lil Cobravert: 9/1/2016 3:13:19 PMI approve.